
Yeah. People don’t know their rights (or what rights private companies have). Not their fault; rights in this country (especially for corporations) are an endless knot of bullshit, so it’s hard to actually know if these scary motherfuckers at your door have any actual repercussive ability, at all.

Quantum collapse doesn’t occur because of “measurement”, nor does it actually “collapse”.

Me and the partner loved it! I did think it was a Raimi piece, which had me excited, but it becomes clear pretty quickly that whoever the director is, he’s not Raimi. A lot of Raimi is aped (not just the series homage stuff), and the interesting directorial choices are not those far-out, left-field kinds of things

Not sure what flight of childishness prompted the powers that be to dismiss the following comment, but I’m requoting it in full here:

I’m glad this is an initial reaction because I hate to needlessly “yuck” other people’s “yum”s, but the work that went into this was(should have been) very little. There are plugins for Unreal 5 that make the engine look exactly like that, and tutorials on Youtube for how to do it yourself in a few hours. The

Good lord, the beauty!

Yeah, they go in expecting that the objective and measurable creative sensibilities are respected by the media. Whatever subjectivity the audience wants is completely left up to them. They won’t be bad people for liking shallow art. They won’t be stupid people for liking shallow art. They won’t be lesser-than for


lol. if you don’t like your fascist tendencies being pointed out, don’t proudly announce them. best practices would be to introspect and fix them, but there’s an economical argument for just shutting the fuck up, so either or.

Just going to pop on my conspiracy theorist hat and say that if the new russia/gop plan is to segregate social media into liberal and conservative camps, just like they (Reagan/Murdoch) did with traditional news media, it was pretty deft to deploy Musk’s takeover of Twitter as a way to break up the current news wire.

Those are components to the feeling, for sure. Just not the whole story.

I wish there was a name for stuff like this.

“these critics are out of touch” - this is such a myopic take. Of course audiences love the movie; it’s a dumb kids movie, made for kids, filled with dumb bullshit that kids like. Same as Minions. That was obvious from the first real trailer. It’s Minions, done with a Mario skin.

whatever floats your boat

u r wat u simp 4 bby

That doesn’t make the whining any less centrist. Most business people are capitalists. When they ask for bailouts, they make socialist whines.

Try to think of it less like a “bolt” or a “path” and more like, one huge giant ball of energy floating in the sky. That ball is being held in its shape by the resistance of air. As air is super-heated, it loses its resistance. As the energy is incredible, it is super-heating the air by dispersing some of its massive

It’s hilarious how you can’t seem to cope with the practical fact that stupid people stop voting for people who they consider “weak”. It doesn’t matter if they actually ARE weak, of if any single thing that someone could say about them would reasonably identify them as “weak”; it ONLY matters what their buddy, at

lol. this is the saddest fucking sock puppet I’ve ever even seen attempted. troll harder, kiddo.

I don’t mourn E3. I’ve never been fond of conventions, and I did have the luck to go both in 1996 and in 2014, so I don’t have the FOMO that can often times make those events more meaningful. But I do have the perspective on the show to not only have seen it as a “games event”, but to have seen it when it truly was