
Agreed! But at least it gives me hope that Dolphin might actually succeed here! They even got that fair-use verdict so ads should be able to use screenshots of Nintendo games.

Very interested in seeing how this shakes out. I was sure Bleem got killed for this same kind of thing, but it looks like I misremembered and they should be in the clear! But “not legally protectable” has never stopped Nintendo from suing before, so who knows?

tasty looking bait! Happy fishing!

Woah woah woah! What’s your hurry? Throw some “eerrs” and “aahs” in there!

Letting Microsoft themselves feed her lines IS probably the best tactic she can interpret[...]

If she were representing her people, she would be researching the situation (having her aides do it), getting to understand the policies and the contexts of all parties, and then using that to either form an investigative body, or to craft legislation.

They’re trying to ensure it is properly regulated so that the harms it can also cause are mitigated.

Yeah, this topic has way too much nuance for Kotaku to cover, at all. But using flimsy pretexts to write articles about the hottest topic on twitter is pretty much the job description at gawker. At least, when there’s not actually relevant news making headlines.

Right? It’s like every creative instinct on display in that video - save for the ones in the actual game itself - is so painfully abhorrent.

G4 has always been garbage (your favorite host is probably fine; the network and its goals were always trash). That video isn’t even a particularly egregious example. You could power a first world nation on the millennial cringe generated by showing that network, now.

I don’t care what you think has a point or not. I wanted to comment on the ancillary and happenstance situation that the critiques, which were racistly framed and played for humor, were accurate. So I did. Points are for the people writing articles and the people who want to make points.

I will honestly always admire any person who takes the time to clean something up when they have no incentive to. Which mostly applies here (outside of a statistically trivial few who would do it to virtue signal).

G4 has always been garbage (your favorite host is probably fine; the network and its goals were always trash). That video isn’t even a particularly egregious example. You could power a first world nation on the millennial cringe generated by showing that network, now.

Test cases. If they can convincingly emulate a well-known entity to the general public, with all of the expectations and tells that come with that, they could probably convincingly emulate the much narrower target of “network administrator”, especially when they scope that chat bot to the specific business they’re

Exactly. Everyone wants to state opinions confidently, because that has a wider appeal than caveating the nuances (even when that nuance is just a clear distinction between the scope you’re trying to imply). But no one wants to reconcile with the reaction they’ve invoked with their framing.

Counterpoint: The Fifth Element had a prophecy which not only came true, it did it exactly as predicted. The prophecy was used more like a countdown timer instead of a narrative mislead (ironic twist/etc). That was pretty satisfying! I could do with some more playing with prophecies that we haven’t seen before.

lol right? I remember talking to my cousins, in the early-mid 90's about Might & Magic and FF III (VI in Japan) being examples of Western and Japanese RPGs, respectively.

The narcissist, the sycophant, and the inevitable?

This is a whole lot of words - many about “feelings” for some reason - to say “chat AI does not interpret concepts; it predicts the next word based on the likelihood of the literatures it is mimicking to use that word in sequence.”