
Only talk about the game permitted; cry about it.

I’m not even sure about “probably right”. The actual number isn’t even $69b, it’s $68 and change which is being rounded (reasonably) for brevity. So I don’t even know if it ever even crossed anyone’s mind until it was reported on, with that number. And, if it did, they would be more likely to round it, themselves, to

I don’t care what you think I take pleasure in.

You’ve got some pretty sweet verisimilitude, as well! And it’s a solid ref, on top of that.

Who said anything about “left”? You think my AR-15 is “left”, too? Show us on the doll where “left” hurt you, dumbshit.

Oh good! You showed up in my thread, so I get to dismiss you! Thanks, dumbshit! (feel free to reply crying about it; my bot will happily waste your time)

I’m for it. The less I have to hear about “a boycott isn’t actually hurting her” or “you’re actually a hypocrite” level brain-rot, the better. Fuck the transphobes; let them talk only about gameplay and see how pissy they get when they can’t preen about what shitbags they are.

I don’t care what you think is good.

I don’t care what you think is good.

I don’t care what you think is whining.

I don’t care what you think is true.

I don’t care what you think I am.

Glad to see kinja is screwing up your quote, too. Thought I was doing something wrong. Must just be that goofy kinja copy/paste.

Ha ha! I forgot about him being the uncle to the Princess of Genovia. =P

I don’t care what you think is a better idea.

This is a pretty awesome amalgamation of a bunch of cool tech, so I’m totally on board with this, just for the novelty of it. But I can’t say I find the product too compelling. It’s too rough, too raw for me to get much out of it (yes, it’s got some neat absurdist bits, but that stuff gets old faster than family guy).

It is causing a major cultural shift. As the older generations die out and power shifts hands, things are going to change dramatically.

you are very stupid about economics and then made a very stupid assumption about what I think vis a vis national debt and banks, because you misunderstood where my irony was coming from. between those two very stupid things, and then not having the common sense to walk yourself back and try to see where you fucked up

yeah those semantics are super relevant to the point. you’re very smart.

lol. tell me more about how little i do, or how rich i am. very interested!