
Oh! I’m sorry, then! I completely misread that. I had no idea Mr. Beast claimed or implied himself to be “socialist”.

lol bye

you fool. you complete buffoon. while you were practicing breathing, i was studying the curse words. i can do this all day captainamericagif

Good thing no one asked him to.

No it isn’t; read the thread.

lol cry harder


read the thread

Read the thread, dumb shit. I’m as capitalist as it gets.

Alright, well, I tried! You’re welcome to imagine all the ways that failure should stop him from trying, but I’m going to continue critiquing his lack of trying. Failure is not a state, it’s a data-point that you learn from and get back at it. He’s going to burn out? Welcome to the fucking club. No one is saying he

I do think you are oversimplifying the situation, but not egregiously! We probably agree on everything, I think we just have a different view of the kind of finances Mr. Beast has.

Because you’re a reasonable commenter, in my experience, I’m not going to dismiss you for bringing up nonsense that has already been addressed in the thread. But this is your admonition to read the thread and not lob up pedantic chaff. If you aren’t willing to read my comments as shorthand for much larger arguments

lol. so you know enough to know that it’s not an issue of owing someone, but haven’t figured out that debt is a currency that we use, on a national level, for trade and politics? That’s hilarious!

yup. i’m trolling u. thanks for playing along!

Oh, we’re making tortured analogies! Okay, great! Show me the doctor who DOES THE WORK for the sole reason of marketing.

[...]that’s all that matters to me.


Your misunderstanding of a problem with capitalists as not an institutional problem is profoundly idiotic. But at least you’re globally idiotic!

lol! whatever you gotta tell yourself, troll. =)

cool take, guess he’s perfect