
I just don’t think he is any more of a hypocrite than your average upper middle class liberal American.

lol. Hi bootlicker!

There are no shortage of organizations pushing for universal healthcare here in the US.

But if we are going to say that he’s not at fault for a busted system, then I think we can also say that he’s not protected from criticisms.

This guy can give away money because he gets paid from advertising revenue generated around videos of him giving away money. The funds for this stunt came from the last stunt. The funds generated from this stunt will go on to fund the next stunt.

I swear to god, it’s the fucking whining that gets me, ever time.

But that completely misses the point. As some have pointed out online, including streamer Hasan “Hasanabi” Piker, the real issue isn’t MrBeast’s philanthropy but rather the pay-walled access to a simple surgery that could have healthy, long-lasting, positive effects on an individual’s eyesight.

Fine, I’ll take the bait; Peyton Reed is a fantastic director and I love most of what he’s done (not hot on Yes Man, but otherwise, a resume full of bangers. His work with Weird Al is fantastic, and Bring It On oozes fun from every frame; self-aware without ever getting too meta). Been a big fan for a long time.

“unauthorized practice of the law” by an entity that passed the bar exam.

I pirated it on PC when it was first released and - aside from the intended state of the game - it runs great and was easy to do! I’m sure, by now, it’s even better with more mods. Happy sailing!

They’re (mostly) not advocating boycotting[...]

Hmmm! My kinja suspicions raise yet further...

unrelated, other than Stadia news: Looks like Google is doing the right thing and allowing their controller to be used as a bluetooth controller for other devices, now that the service is being shut down.

Grab those coders who are wasting their lives trying to teach ArtThief 2.0 what a finger is, and reassign them to help code the AI that’s gonna cure cancer.


Yeah. And Artificial Intelligences can make arbitrary decisions on “better” and “worse” and then quantify those results against other arbitrary decisions on “better” or “worse” to see which ML algorithms evolve the abstract images into something that arbitrarily seems “more like” or “less like” the reference

It will classify them using the aforementioned photographs or live video feed. Somewhere between “noise” and “photorealistic” it will generate “icons”, “abstractions”, and “hyperboles”, amongst other things. All of this is analogous to human learning of illustration. And all of those intermediary steps, can be

It’s not a difference at all. Humans use a training set called “real life”. AI can do that too. And if you want to be abstract, AI can certainly generate abstract images, use those as a training set, and then iterate until it gets to be more and more like a photograph (or a live video feed, if you want to mimic

I mean... their specific case is trash. Breach of contract? Who are they fucking kidding?

Here we go legislating in the courts, because artists can’t get their fucking act together and actually learn how this shit works before popping off.