
Yeah, this is the big thing. Everyone says “it should be changed”, but no one wants to tackle the issues that put it up in the first place.

Linda is notoriously shitty about jumping in to her comments sections and getting into petty arguments with the commentariat.

It’s not like it was done after Dan Harmon’s issues. Can’t imagine why it would be done, because of Roiland’s.

Hell yes! It’s so rare that copyright abusers are actually obstructed from rampant abuse. Fantastic that DYKG is a success story, here!

came back for more! classic! XD

lol. My dude. It’s a bot. It’s an automated response machine that replies to this thread whenever I log on and it sees you’ve responded. Just stop responding and the bot will unsubscribe after a couple of weeks.

It’s not about validating myself, it’s about bothering you. Thanks for the reply proving that it did! =D

I don’t care what you think you don’t care about.


I don’t care who you think is petty.

The hilarious thing about you clowns is that you think anyone cares. Like... you don’t have to justify yourself to strangers on the internet. Just think of the people in your life that would be hurt by your actions, and justify yourself to them. Tell your trans friends that you want to play a game so much that

grey says what?


Interoperability, API access, Device Management, and a ton of other features that you can only really develop for if you have one of the devices. You can run emulators until you’re blue in the face, but if you can’t put it on a physical device, you’ll miss plenty of bugs. It’s not suitable to deliver a product for a

There are no “regular people” that I need to worry about that are toiling in the service of a bigot. They made their choices, to support her, so I’m making mine to not support them.

Right on. It can be hard to understand that being honest with oneself does not necessitate being explicitly truthful at all times to other people. And, of course, juxtaposing ‘honesty’ against ‘truthfulness’ is not something most people grapple with and would, thus, spark a bit of humor based on their

It would only be ‘tortured’ if I let my concerns consume me. It’s entirely possible to be aware of your own shittiness without letting it plague you. Think of it like knowing what gift you want to give someone before you even know if that kind of thing exists. For the time that it doesn’t, it’s just in your mind as a

What you’re not doing in any way is aligning with the ideology of either position. I feel like you absolutely understand this, but choose not to because that’s more convenient for this whole song and dance.

Lotta different ways to spin “I don’t care, I’m mad that I’m expected to care, I may or may not buy the game but I’ll be damned if anyone judges my consumption.”

i’m happy for you