


Why’s that?

What is?

Why’s that?

What don’t you follow?

Why sorry? Your inability to get is has been evident for some time now.

Why what?

Amusement. I said it right there.

No. Unlike you, I tend to stay on topic. It was you who requested what my intentions were, even though I pronounced them in my very first response to you.

Yes. You did say that.
I then said that I was not interested in your opinion of my efforts. I remain uninterested, regardless of whether that opinion has strengthened.

You said that there was no point to my questioning. That’s a pejorative. I’m sorry you don’t know what words mean, but I do. Please learn to accept your own faults, rather than defensively shifting blame and topics to things other than your own inadequacies. 

Yes, but I didn’t ask for you opinion about that. You asked me about a tangential topic and I indulged you. You THEN gave your unsolicited opinion about my response, with the implication that my entire line of questioning was moot. As I care about pansexual and bisexual people, and my explicit purpose for my line of

Then you have a poor understanding of what the phrase “looking for a fight” means. You made pejorative attacks on my intentions, simply because they don’t align with yours. I responded.

This is disrespectful and uncalled for. I didn’t ask you for your opinion on my proclivities, I only asked for your help with a very specific problem. I appreciate your indulgence, but I do not care for your baseless accusations about my endeavors. Whatever successes or failures you’ve had in argument is none of my

So, Cancel Culture is a term that is being used for a specific time. I’m not saying cancel culture is an actual culture, just a time like one could say the 90's or the stone age.

As I said to another commenter, I have a talent for argument. I think very logically, I make quick connections, and I have infinite patience for discussion. I cannot be talked around, as I chase down every point. I cannot be dismissed with mockery, because I’m quick to return the mockery, whilst providing

Fucking worthless. The lot of them.