
That’s great! I’m glad you were able to find something you feel describes you. Unfortunately, I’m trying to figure out not ONLY what describes you, but why the other word DOESN’T describe you. Why it’s not acceptable, to you, to be described like that.

No, I thought I was very clear in that I see how it comes across. I just don’t see how I can ask any better. Like, do you have an example of how I would get the information I’m looking for, without asking in the way I’m asking? How would you change the phrasing, or the dialog?

we try to use the terms and pronouns that people prefer for themselves, because it’s respectful and we want people to be happy.

Two things:
1. “Cancel culture” isn’t real, it’s a way to let intellectually lazy people not interrogate their biases.
2. Jobs generate revenue for the person performing the job. Are you paying for your knowledge? Because I’m not. And if the person explaining it to me is not getting payment from it, then it is very

I mean, I get that. The internet is full of shitheads. But I want to make very clear that I’m not asking anyone explain anything to MY satisfaction. I’m asking for a simple, clear delineation, OR a conscious acceptance that the delineation is not quite solid.

Well yeah. That was why I stated my exact problem to start with.

Of course, I agree! But I can’t defend the distinction if I don’t understand the distinction. It’s all okay, but I’m just going to be that straight dude not saying anything while pan/omni/poly/bi people are trying to insist upon their validity.

Now, I know there’s a lot of Bi folks who see the definition as being inclusive of all genders. And... I mean that’s nice... but not everyone sees it that way. Including many bisexuals.

Uh. I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realize you gave an explanation in your comment? It seemed more like you were saying “bi is NOT this”, and “you should ask before you comment”.

If you don’t like the label, then don’t use it, but maybe you ought to talk to some actual pan folks before you start making sweeping statements about them.

A republican voter asked her congressperson almost the same question.
They’re riding this ship until it sinks.

Who? Name them, specifically. Or at least quote examples. Show me the hypocrisy. 

Ugh. STILL with the Blu-Ray? I hope at least Microsoft gets their heads out of their asses and embrace the speed of “cartridges”. Proprietary or not. I can play a game off of a MicroSD if they want to go ‘off-the-shelf’.

THERE it is! I kept trying to think of an analog and, because this is Joker, I kept going back to Suicide Squad, which isn’t QUITE the same sort of situation.

Man, say whatever the fuck you want about J. J. Abrams, but the dude clearly has an abiding love for Star Wars creature design. I doubt he’s doing any design notes or anything, but he certainly knows a good design when he sees it and I, for one, really appreciate how dedicated he is to making sure fun, new creatures

Head’s up: I posted it.

Here you go:

You know what I’ve found to be kind of curious? I’m a developer (so, lots of time with a keyboard) and I type sentences at around 80-90 wpm. But when I code, if I don’t have to stop and do the logic (like writing code in a pattern that is well-known), my “words” per minute jumps up to around 150 - 160 or so.

Sounds like a politician to me.

If bad shit gets turned up on the Dems, fine, arrest the guilty parties and chuck ‘em in prison. But Clinton is not the fucking President of the United States.