
Redcrustin: Yeah, they would probably beat the shitty 2018 men’s team.
Fun With Numbers: Oh yeah? Then how come they lost to children?!
handlebears: Because they were playing for honing skill, not to crush a bunch of children?
Fun With Numbers: Oh Yeah? Well what about if they played a men’s team!?

So, what, you don’t understand the function of friendly match-ups for sports teams?

If they had made this thing play New 3DS games, too, it would be a fucking grand slam product.

Just one man’s opinion. I’m not exactly a model of elegance and grace, either. /shrug

No problem. You were wrong about what you thought about me, which seems to be a pattern with your line of thinking. And hey, we all don’t understand stuff, sometimes. If you weren’t a piece of shit (that’s three, since you seem to be counting for some unknown reason), you might try typing your thoughts into google and

I do feel free. But I’m not wasting any time doing what a piece of shit tells me to.

He’s really not. It’s obvious to everyone else that you’re a piece of shit. He didn’t HAVE to say it, but he’s not wrong for dismissing you and he’s not proving your point, in any way.

The only tools I’ve needed, thus far: “Why?” and Google

There has to be a balancing point between clinical detachment and engagement of pathos

Not gonna lie, this has me howling:

Oh yeah. Shades of Nightcrawler, in there. 

If you really believe that the filmmakers gave her the initials MJ by pure coincidence[...]

Now playing

You shouldn’t worry about it. Just use a real credit card (not a debit or debit/credit card), and all of the liability is on the card issuer.

Can’t agree more about Gyllenhaal. My initial impressions were that he was chewing up the scenery, just really loving the “big, tentpole movie” vibe that the MCU has. I was sure Beck was going to turn, but I wasn’t ready to place the acting on that, because I just wasn’t sure how good Gyllenhaal could be, when he’s

RE: Fury as a Skrull, I didn’t see it coming AT ALL, but I will say I did feel like it was a LITTLE bit off the way he snapped at Peter’s mention of Captain Marvel. It’s like, yeah, they were good friends and it makes a kind of sense that Fury would tell Pete to not ask about things he doesn’t know anything about, the

I know it’s been a few days, and I can certainly understand your point, but it’s weird to me that you see it as a worthwhile point to be making.

A whole article with THIS headline and not ONE mention of “El Onion”?

Ah! Fair point. Though, I THINK we’ve still got a little pedantry to get out of the way - a corporation doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s not private. So let me correct myself, with your guidance, that it’s an elected official interfering with a deal between a city and a private entity (that is a public corporation).

Looks like you’re conflating the topic of the article - that an elected official is interfering with a settled deal between a state and a private company - and the topic of how Nike came to the decision that LED to the interference.

HamNo has yet to realize that making in-jokes about how you and your friends talk about different groups of people and trends, to a public audience, is self-defeating. He does this kind of thing, sporadically, and is always met with the same bemusement.