
Hamilton, the man, was - like all men - overrated. None has ever been so good as they are portrayed, and few have ever been as bad as they’ve been accused.

“We are forced, without any recourse, to put these people through inhumane conditions because they committed a misdemeanor crime in order for a chance at a life where they are not in the constant threat of danger.”

As far as I can tell, that’s an Amazon thing, and they offer it on a lot of tech products. So, I imagine it’s just an automated bit they tack on, without looking at the specific product.

It is special pleading, but not on the basis of any political party. There is no argument that supersedes the moral imperative to do what is right by humanity. In a representative democracy, we recognize that the majority may not be able to fully understand or contextualize certain issues, so we defer those

Not sure what you consider “decent” specs, but Acer makes one for <$300 that has a headphone jack and a USB-C port (also, the specific processor in it allows you to run Linux-on-ChromOS, which lets you install things like GIMP and whatnot).

Coverage of ChromeOS and Chrome hardware would be greatly enhanced if journalists looked into Google’s business/organization interests, rather than how the products work for mass market consumers. Chrome boxes/books/bits/tablets have never been important to Google, internally, as consumer products. The entire architect

The tactic doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Preventing a quorum so that you can prevent a vote result that goes against the will of the majority is reasonable. Preventing a quorum so that you can prevent a vote result that aligns with the will of the majority is unreasonable.

Who needs to protest? I would honestly LOVE if some anti-trump people just went to the rallies and vigorously SUPPORTED trump’s policies, in plain text.

Not from me, no. 

I’m not projecting anything. Your deflection is pathetic. You got called out for trying to reduce a topic down to your pet whine: that people are focused on Russia rather than problems of our own making.

Yeah. Who would’ve thought? Two sycophants read from the same playbook. Shocker.

That you think it’s one or the other shows your myopia. We are shit. Putin is using our shittiness for his own ends. The first thing you learn in subterfuge is not to guide events as you want them, but to guide them in such a way that no matter how they go down, you can use the results.

Unless you’re using the term “fixed” to mean “rigged”, I’m pretty sure you’re using the term wrong.

I think you’re confusing what ne’s asking for. Ne’s not saying they should have SSD hard drives, which Sony/Microsoft have apparently confirmed. Ne’s saying that the games should come on SSD cards, rather than discs. So, no more Blu-ray; only “cartridges”.

It entirely depends upon your disposition. There was plenty in there that was insulting. But the intention was not to insult you. So if you take offense, I am very much responsible for that, regardless of my intentions. And if you don’t, then you are failing to take offense IN SPITE of my bluntness, not because there

Well not that you’d know it, based on Jack’s “journalism” here, but there isn’t any bracketing going on. Simple luck of the draw. Per CNN:

‘Kessel run in under 12 parsecs’ level of Stttre e e e t c hing, but yeah. He makes some points.

I can’t believe no one has linked to this yet. It’s not about who has the high ground, it’s about there being a high ground...

One of my favorite English “actually”’s is when people try to say that there is no such word as “mooses”.

Let me start off by saying that you seem woefully under-equipped to make the point you seem to be TRYING to make, and are instead making an entirely different, very un-respectable point.