
How is the largest number of people having the greatest amount of representation an example of an “imbalance of power”?

How could I? All of the states, as far as I’m aware, give rural voters more power than urban voters, thus screwing over the urban voters (and just moral people, in general).

The yokels have different needs than we, in the city, do, and our numbers would allow us to ignore those needs.
The current system is broken, but I’m not aware of any valid alternatives that account for the appropriate imbalance of power.

In response to Purged:

I hope you’ll have that same understanding of ‘just doing what we have to’ when you are forced to either accept abortions as the only moral choice, or die for your unwaivering beliefs. That’s the tricky thing about force: it works both ways. Certainly nobody WANTS to have to kill ‘pro lifers’, but if you insist on

I know you don’t. Because you’re an intellectually dishonest hypocrite who can’t square nis faith with objective reality. Attempting to engage me would mean actually having to justify fundamentally paradoxical stances, which you are incapable of recognizing.

Classic childishness. When you’re ready to have a real conversation that doesn’t acquiesce to your logical fallacies, you can hit me up any time. Until then, I’m going to continue to make sure your bullshit doesn’t go unanswered, here.

In response to Purged:

We’re not debating if it’s a human, we’re debating if it has the same value of born humans, and if that value can stop it from being killed.

Huh! Looks like my comment to you got dismissed somehow. No worries; I reposted it. 

Looks like my comment to Purged got dismissed. I hope you don’t mind me piggybacking on your comment to prevent further abuse.

Except it’s LITERALLY not murder. Murder, by definition, must be illegal (when used in regards to killing, rather than metaphorically).

What you seem to fail to understand is that BarakaObama is a troll, no question. It’s not a matter of personal issues. The commentariat here has seen nim take up entirely different points of view, without any competent throughline, always falling back to tired rhetoric that never actually completes a thought. It’s all

As an insufferable pedant, myself, I fully support GCAN and would like to commit myself to the organization as a conscientious consumer who respects the censures issued.

Especially given the mentor role for Peter that he seems to be playing. He’s a “real deal” superhero, and that’s what Fury is asking Peter to be. So Peter is learning from Mysterio and working through his grief about Tony.

No, the difference is[...]

The difference is that ignorance, stupidity, and cruelty are not biological. They can be fixed. And discriminating against them is a great way to fix them.
It’s not my fault Republicans have chosen to be the things most worthy of discrimination.

Well, bullies.

There it is! It’s always so hard for you dipshits to keep two thoughts in your head at once, which is why I knew you were going to conflate incitement with discrimination. You didn’t disappoint (your kind never does).

Uh huh. Neat qualifiers you got there, kiddo. Keep it coming.