
As an owner of Facebook stock, I have a claim on Facebook’s assets, including the content on their servers. PUBLICLY OWNED. Therefore, the same laws pertaining to free speech within the government (of the people, by the people, and for the people... i.e. public entity) apply to Facebook.

Aye. Adobe has spent a good chunk of its time making sure its products play well with the typical workplace experience. It’s...frustrating how they’ve been allowed to carve out that position, unchallenged, but that’s the current state of affairs.

Sure thing, chief.

You can say whatever you want in your own home. It’s when you upload those thoughts to Facebooks’s servers that you are putting your speech into someone ELSE’s private space. As it happens, the Facebook servers don’t reside in your house. At the very least, not all of them.

lol. Amnesty and then double down on policies that have historically failed us every time they’ve been implemented. Yep. Super good plan there. But, as stated, it’s not a solution. Given history, it would actually be entirely harmful. 

[citation needed]

Understandable, from someone who clearly doesn’t try to hard at thinking things through.

I bet this guy was enjoying taking those pictures during the movie. I bet he was having a blast - really enjoying the movie - while taking those pictures.

Freezepeach does not apply to private spaces.

I mean, I don’t disagree with your assessment of Kushner. But I think you might be overestimating Shapiro?

Your “solution” isn’t a solution. And anything that suggests we let Jared Kushner do anything but go to jail is the opposite of “good”.

No. That’s the thing - you don’t. Your suggestion of just doing anything is not a solution. It’s, literally, just doing stuff. It could hurt just as easily as it helps. In fact, it’s MORE probable that it will hurt given basic statistics.

Look it up, champ. The ins and outs of the policies are well-documented because they’ve been implemented before (always to our benefit, for SOME reason...)

This is, undoubtedly, better but I still prefer an even MORE cartoonish look, like here:

As an aside, I would be remiss to ignore the idiocy you’re displaying in conflating anything I’ve said with the idea of “easy”. Just because it’s easy enough for me to say the words “sound policy” doesn’t mean that sound policy is an easy thing to implement.
You’re also putting out the erroneous implication that I have

It’s not the topic of this thread, it’s the topic of the article. This thread was started about Kushner’s OTHER responsibilities. This really isn’t that difficult to follow.

Yeah. It’s called “Circular Flow”. Worked for decades, both before and after we fucked it up (we tend to fuck it up whenever we’re doing well, because Republicans need someone to blame, rather than just someone to help. We un-fuck it whenever people with sense get in charge).

Don’t even bother trying to engage on immigration. Anyone who has looked into the issue AT ALL knows that we prosper DRAMATICALLY when we have a loose and open border with Mexico and we have a ton of problems whenever we go to a more closed border with Mexico. The situations don’t necessarily indicate that open

I agree!

Well, you’re welcome to your stupid ideas but, personally, if I failed at something for DECADES, I would still want to do actually effectual things, rather than just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. And given that we haven’t tried sound policy in half a century (if ever), that’s where I would start. It