
Yeah, but like, just the Idris Elba shows.

Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?

my man married his (second) cousin so I’m guessing it rhymes with “spin fest”

It’s going to be way, way more disturbing than anyone thought when it turns out there are hacked webcam vids of Ghouliani beating it to 9/11 videos.

Nice to see that that Splinter’s taken some time off from bashing Hillary to bash Obama for a change

What the fuck is this? First of all, after the absolute destruction Monique Judge put to Hamilton over that bullshit article, one which he apparently hasn’t recovered from, I’d avoid even inching down the road that Obama’s not performing up to your silly expectations. Do you want to go two and a half weeks without an

or whatever

Of course it’s an oversimplification. But not as much of one as it should be.

You are giving far too much credit to this stupid, stupid man. Hr has neither the foresight nor the attention span to pull of a coup of any sort. He’s doing this because he’s a fucking child who doesn’t understand a goddamn thing, but absolutely believes with his entire being that he is the greatest, smartest, sexiest

Hey now, I love you guys. I love America.
It’s your president who’s a colossal walnut.

You’re all more than welcome to come up to visit. We’ll have some affordable Maple Syrup and pancakes for you. 

That’s a little of an oversimplification.
The standing politician came from a party that wracked the province with debt after ruling for 15 some odd years.
The other left-leaning party wouldn’t help that situation at all, and would, in fact, most likely have made the situation worse (but arguably would have spent the

The most recent election in Canada saw a right winger sweep into office on a promise of cheap beer.

Yeah, but those guys will get sick of Papa Johns pretty quick.

I was hoping this would be the response. If you want to be assholes to the delivery people, don’t get access to the delivery service.

He’s also available to walk back every single promise he ever made to First Nations Canadians, leaving them more destitute and vulnerable than ever!

The hubris to be dancing for the camera with malpractice lawsuits under her belt is shocking to say the least. Even if malpractice lawsuits are common that doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. Also, cameras have no place in a operating room without a patients consent at all. I have the same opinion on this as I do on

“You’re just trying to protect your family.” From what? 

Soooo, according to his version/logic, he tried to help the family multiple times for free but they would only let him help after he’d demanded money? Sure, Jan.