
The below section from this SI article from back in September points to the federal statute that could be at play.

I’m not, but my constitutional lawyer friend (former ACLU) says that even before Trump got involved there was an admittedly thin First Amendment issue, and now that it’s clear Trump was involved she is 100% certain one or more players will kneel this fall specifically to make it a Free Speech case. She virtually

So an employer can definitely curtail employee speech, the First Amendment only applies to governments. A business can clearly fire people for political speech and only face negative PR.

Because he doesn’t care about “winning” his interest is in whooping up his base. You give him what he wants and then he just keeps moving the goalposts.

This is exactly right.
He’s a protection racket that still burns your fucking store down after you pay him.

The difference is that one is a comedian, the other is a white house advisor. Ricky Gervais creates punchlines, Stephen Miller just has people willing to wait in line for the opportunity to punch him him.

It’s an interesting experiment if you are still on speaking terms with people who remain staunch Republicans. Ask what they stand for. What policies do they support? It’s fascinating. No taxes, no abortions, and more guns. That’s it. The rest is entirely triggering liberals because spite and lack of decency. Oh,

So he could try—and, quite likely, fail—to “beat them” in (the last 50 meters of) a 1,500 meter race?

Manly Man Men do this, of course.

[pushes up glasses that he’s not actually wearing]
Georgia does not produce the most peaches of any US state. That honor falls (rises?) to South Carolina and Gaffney’s glorious water tower

Of course she did.

Gun ownership first rule: Treat all guns as if they are loaded.

Y’all Qaeda personified

His running mate...

Y’all-Qaeda will forever be my favourite.

Budweiser Taliban

Despite being from Georgia, these guys sure love their KFC.

I’m sure the peach crops will pick themselves when all the migrant workers are gone.

“Are y’all lookin for a gun-crazed, middle aged, white guy who acts like his suburb is a warlord-controlled region of Afghanistan and fetishizes his daughter’s sexuality? Then I’m your fuckin’ guy. Vote Kemp. We’ll take this country back to a time that never even existed, except in my imagination.”

“I’ve got a big truck, just in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take them to Home Depot myself. We’ve got too many jobs which is a situation I do not know how to respond to.”