
“Iran nuclear deal bad. My fake North Korea nuclear deal good.”

Pigs. Fat. Hogs. Slaughter

I think it’s less “look how magnanimous I am” and more an acknowledgment that even the darkest posts on Deadspin often get flippant comments.

Cramer did SOMETHING to piss off Trump. So Trump begs him to run for Senate just so Trump can back Heitcamp. It’s classic Trump.

Dennis Rodman is assisting with bilateral denuclearization talks between Donald Trump and Kim Jung Un. Am I in some year long Inception? How the fuck is this reality? Should I try spinning a top to see if if stops?

This is the hill you’re willing to die on? The Battle of Mount “Criticizing the Wording of a Condolence Post”?

Our five year olds have figured out that they can climb our fence.

God, I am so sorry.

I’m so sorry for your loss and hope you can find peace some day.

I know how it feels. Everyone who says “I can’t imagine” is correct—you can’t. I hope Bode Miller and is family can find peace. It’s been one year and twenty-five days since my 16 year old son died and I haven’t yet. I don’t think I ever will.

This is a fucking devastating decision that will cause untold harm across the entire asylum system; and mark my words, it was done almost exclusively with the purpose of preventing vulnerable Central American families, usually mothers and their children, from arriving at the United States to seek protection.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
then tell them to fuck off

Sure, but we only have his account of what happened.

And Lord knows Christians have had 2,000 years to perfect the victim complex.

I dunno, I’m getting serious “there’s probably more to this” vibes right now.

Indianapolis ain’t exactly a hotbed of militant atheism

It’s a way to use PornHub as leverage against the ad network. If you can’t figure out the network, you start with the person who’s making money from it and they will gladly point fingers to the ones at fault.

My first thought and I imagine it’s the same as MindGeek’s lawyers, does he not know how ads work in the internet era? It’d be awesomely weird if he won, but you’d have to think that the precedent on who is responsible for an ad’s content (site, newspaper, tv station, etc. or the advertiser) was settled a long time

My “friend” can only get fully erect while strangling a dwarf while dressed as a clown. How dare you judge me him!

Pretty sure it’s the pirates hat that ruined his reputation, not some pornhub advertisement.