
I read this as actually ‘pulling’ his motor home into the parking lot. Which he could and would do.

I bet it’s hard to get the milker on those tiny cockroach nipples.

I heard he was remaking Good Times but I can’t tell when Black Twitter is trolling me.

Not to try to parse the finer points of assholery, but I am always impressed —and not in a good way— at the fine, detailed points of Italian racism.

I grew up as the grandson of a klansman in rural Appalachia (I suppose I technically still am but that evil bastard is long dead). We don’t have to be the people that raised us; we can strive to be better. We should strive to be better. Why continue to make the mistakes of our ancestors?

Hey Ryan, fucking quit right now. It’ll fuck them right up. It’ll be great. Do it.

“moolie” sounds like something you’d hear in Sal’s Pizzeria 

What do socialists have to do with anything tangentially related to the article? Anything for a meme and perpetuating an ideological victimhood complex, I guess.

calm down, cletus. no one is taking your guns.

“Marsala asserts that slavery was “in preparation for professional careers after plantation life.”

Pro-tip: if you wave a confederate flag, you’re dumb as shit.

Yes, because a short-lived asshole on one blog is the same as an asshole who still runs another one!

Ah, another “master race” looking motherfucker.

At first I was like, maybe this particular crime doesn’t qualify for elevation to hate crime, but then I read the actual law, and it absolutely fucking hits it dead center.

“I’m inclined to say this is more of a road rage incident than a hate crime ... the use of racial epithets and conduct gets it past” this hearing, Shipplett noted.”

“I don’t even see color. Everyone’s a nigger to me, man ... This divisiveness ... when will it end?”