
The way that people like this beat you is not caring about how the rules of chess are played, and then screaming “CHECKMATE CHECKMATE CHECKMATE CHECKMATE” after every move until you get up and walk away in disgust.

Banning trench coats, harassing quiet kids who keep to themselves, and getting rid of doors. Duh!

The creepy people, make a list, check it twice.“

And I’m not saying it’s better to have a RB than a QB, DT, DE, LT, or CB on a rookie contract, in the abstract. Especially a QB, considering the cost in the veteran market. Obviously, the best option is to draft a QB—assuming the QB you’re going to take is the right QB, which recent history has shown is not always the

I get a lot of what you’re saying, and I’d buy this if it weren’t so easy for teams to manipulate the cap. Because of this CBA’s rollover allowance, which mandates that teams only spend up to 89 percent of the cap across four years, most teams these days typically have oodles of cap room—and the cap also keeps rising.

I am convinced Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg so he would never again have to put himself at risk of being destroyed while extending for a pass 10 feet over his head.

The rookie wage scale has made a top 10 pick on a RB less disastrous but it is still god awful value. In fact it incentives taking the high dollar positions even more. A number 1 pick QB gets capped at the same amount as a number 1 pick RB or even kicker. On the open market the QB is worth 3-10x as much.

+1 Enis

No. The Giants won’t have a large cap commitment to Barkley. He’ll cost an average per year of roughly $7.8M across four seasons. It puts him near the top of what all running backs make, yes. But it’s not a lot relative to the cap.

Saquon is going to add another dimension to his game.

As a Giant’s fan who lives in Philly, I can assure you their fans give zero shits about when/how/who had to be murdered to get this win.

Yeah right. We all know Eli is more likely to airmail it then underthrow

Pretty sure “Saquon” is French for “Ki-Jana”.

Haha, fair.

Pretty god damned great.

I wonder how Eagle’s fans feel knowing that they only win the super bowl in this, the darkest timeline?

Not to worry Giants fans. They aren’t just going to pound Barkley into dust. Eli is also going to underthrow him and hit a linebacker square in the numbers.

I used to be able to hold a plate of food, glass of wine and operate a camera at the same time. Once you let these skills go though they never come back.

My favorite example of the “Reaganomics recast as the center of the Overton Window, because the right side is now tending towards outright fascism” subgenre of GOP bullshit was when White House chief economic adviser (?) Gary Cohn was giving a talk and his host asked a room full of CEOs to raise their hands if they

You could have fooled me. Since you made a claim that was ridiculous on its face, that someone was assuming “infinite” multipliers from government spending.