
The perception of a guy sucking fascinates me. Bortles is 4th all time in yards thrown in his first 4 years at 14,928. First two guys on that list are Peyton Manning (16,418) and Dan Marino (16,177).

It’s not every day that an ogre gets to be the starting QB of an NFL team though, so he gets some slack because of that alone.

You could say he was laughing off the criticisms, displaying an otherworldly calm.
Bortles Chortles at Mortals.

Saban by a mile. Belichick can’t stand the media, can’t stand that part of his job and knows he’s a great coach (so obviously has a big ego). But something tells me that in private, he’d enjoy laughing at Brady, laughing at the Boston sports fan, laughing at the absurdity that pro football has become. Saban can’t

Factor in the travel, Georgia has extra EXTRA hours.

The games should be played earlier for both the players and fans. And the championship should be on a Saturday. Same with the Superbowl. Forcing me to go to work tired and hungover isn’t cool.

It always strikes me funny that these laws are always framed as “restoring freedom”. What freedom? Your freedom to stick your nose into someone else’s business and tell them how to live their life? Because on the face of it you’re taking away freedom from a very specific group of people to get conservative Christians

He’s no longer playing with the best player on the planet, and is still somehow doing just as well as he did before. That seems like a success to me.

“If it weren’t for Mississippi, Alabama would be last at everything.” - C. Barkley

I dont pretend to know all of the ins and outs of basketball, but doesnt changing the game of your star point guard to benefit a 37 yr old Jefferson and a woefully inconsistent JR seem kind of ridiculous

That’s actually the only reason I am not in the NBA right now.

He can’t be alone in a room with another woman but he never said the same about being alone with a man. I’m just saying...

Bannon’s not going to implicate Trump...he’s doing this to get back at (((Kushner))). They’re all going to claim Trump knew nothing about it at all.

I once did a marijuana bong. Jesus forgave me though.

So if CNN is a “fake news network,” was the guy REALLY blowing pot smoke?

I’d definitely love to have that discussion to hear your thoughts. Before we begin, though, I’d like to see your CV, particularly the “background in, knowledge of, and experience with historical Palestinian/Israeli relations and their effect on regional power balances” section. A list of books you’ve read on the

It may also be worth point out that way back in 1995, the Senate passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act by a vote of 93-5 and the House by a vote of 374 to 37 (It’s been postponed every six months since then). Trump signing this bill is probably the most bipartisan thing he’s done this year.

Does it? Because the Palestinian authority and Hamas seem pretty clear about no reunification till all the Jews are pushed into the sea. Also, they’ve turned down the two state solution enough times for it to be clear that that isn’t a real option.

A. Again, maybe. I think that you’re looking at it wrong - Palestine didn’t look to the US because it seemed the most impartial but because it was the most respected single country, and it gave them lots of money. If the USA continues to bring them money, they would probably still listen to any future peace process

“Good” is not how i would describe it, but “okay”.

Okay, so - how would you define a capitol? or.. a thing? Let’s say there are 3 primary qualifcations:

1. You would need to define it as your capitol - If all the world says “Sydney is the capitol of Australia” or “ You’re a bad person” that would not make it so.