
The question is how fast did he get there? I need more info to know if his .40 time is among the league leaders.

Ohhhh we got beef! Mind providing context for us new(er) people?

Gwen (and anyone else who says Sour Cream is the *best fries dipping sauce) should not be allowed to comment on food, and I’m considering a ban on their eating privileges as well.

This is good Kinja.

Mitchell responded, “Well, I don’t know.”

Trolls gonna troll :-/ (Though your first response is a great summary to refute his argument)

I did the same. I said she was misleading people when saying her 1st amendment rights were violated.

I like that there’s no other information for “28!?” lol

I literally can’t drink Newcastle and I suspect it is because of the clear glass (?!) bottle they ship it over in.

A state that is smaller than PA (67 counties) having one hundred and freakin twenty?! Hey fiscal hawks, I have an incredible money-saving idea for all of you...

No, but it’s the norm. If you’ve perfected your craft without fan interruption for most of your life, and every time you are competing it is generally silent/quiet, you’d probably be pissed about people screwing up your game with an intentionally disruptive act.


Should they have stopped play sooner? Embiid is on the ground for like 10 full seconds, right?

Mango Unchained is my new favorite. Bravo

Yours seems mostly correct, given the poor seedings that you pointed out in your rationale. This is a fair, thought out bracket compared with the blasphemy I’m seeing in this comment section.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: Aladdin Number 1 or GTFO

I’m curious where in Pennsylvania it might be on the menu. I’ve talked with people who occasionally kill Snapping turtles and make soup, but they are few and far between (and also seem to be dealing with the nuisance as their primary motivation).

Fair enough, I guess. Personally I thought based on his first name he was Eastern European, which would be white. Either way, I care less about his specific language choices than with the overall sentiment he expressed. And you should too.

I think his point was more on the familiarity with the english language?

This is the truth ^