
Hahahaha +1

It’s worth including that in the article, I’d say.

IIRC that was because the choreography was especially provocative / offensive, and not just because Stravinsky’s music was surprising and unique.

Oh, I agree that rural NY is red, but I think if you energize the city it won’t quite matter.

Primary Schumer. It’s not like you wouldn’t win a statewide Senate election coming from the left in NY. Winning in WV after disposing of Manchin might be tougher, but still worth the effort.

Black artists don’t win music awards in this day and age?

“This method of construction reduces potential risks to workers, commuters and pedestrians and minimizes traffic interruptions,”

I feel like there is a way to avoid having other people feel the need to touch/move your car.. I can’t think of it at the moment, but there must be some simple solution.. Hmm..

Worth noting that Mr. Dick(ey) himself has now repented, and regrets preventing the CDC from studying gun violence:

Damn, Emily, have you learned nothing?

And my father.


Black artists don’t win Grammys, etc.? News to me.

I hope you will concede that the world is very different today than it was when Pat Boone and the powers that be made *their* version of Little Richard’s song, and that it is undeniably easier for artist of color to make money off their work.

Counterpoint: He wouldn’t have had to take “this jackass’ whole operation down,” if he didn’t send that bullshit memo to congress in the first place. He is a very big reason why we are living in a world where Donald fucking Trump is the President. He can fuck off.

Citizen’s Arrest!

I appreciate What’s Up? being used while the refs deliberate

Almost the exact same thing happened to me when trying to merge onto a highway from a gas station. White, unmarked SUV, with an impatient ass right behind him. As soon as he passed the cop after honking, the cop put his lights on, sounded a little of the siren... AND THEN DID NOT PULL HIM OVER. I was livid; my chance

It suggests that the alternate is also true: That a man would never drink St. Pauli Girl beer or eat a Wendy’s hamburger, when we know that’s not true