

That’s fairly common among Catholics.

Don’t sully bacon’s good name.

Those are bad bears. I’m talking about good bears, obviously ;)

This is an interesting idea tbh. My first inclination is to go bigger. Bears at school, bro. Bears at school.

Yeah, sorry wasn’t thinking about public sector unions. My bad

There’s still a lot of Dept. of Labor guidelines and laws in place that make it so you can’t *completely* fuck with unions like that. Anecdote: buddy of mine was a manager at a national chain. Several stores got the ball rolling on unionization. Once certain steps are taken, it’s illegal to give raises (looks like

Wait, what? If your habit is outing drug dealers, you may find yourself in unfortunate circumstances, regardless of the live stream technology.

Came here for this, leaving happy. Let it rain!!

Start it at 34 seconds. Fordham asks him if he is hearing him. He begins to answer Fordham with “no,” but realizes that will give him away so he quickly changes to “I’m not hearing anything,” instead.

Drunk/high/drugged beyond all belief? Steering not working great on the scooter? Those are really my only good guesses..

IIRC, didn’t it also come out that they weren’t necessarily bullied as much as initial reports suggest? Thought I read that they were basically some combination of nerd/asshole and hence, did what they did..

Cool you severely misunderstood my comment. I was referring to the hardliners on but *one* side of this issue; specifically those who resist any and all gun control measures. And drawing parallels between my sports fandom and my politics is laughable at best. Stay in the grays, sad comparison clown.

Monkey business from him and the Russian Judge who gave him a 7.5

Nah, fuck the hardliners. Polling suggests the majority of Americans are getting more and more sick of this shit. You’ll never convince the fringe, but money and voices can help win the middle for common sense reforms.

Great tits—a type of songbird common in Europe—

Yeah man, a 6-on-1 beating is whatever!