
Nah, fuck that. They have police documents about a 6 on 1 beating, which no child deserves. His dad does not appear to be the brightest, but that’s still some bullshit. Cracker certainly isn’t offensive enough to censor on TV (lol to those who are that moved by that word), but your take is mostly wrong.

FWIW I once saw a brand(?) or poster in Austria that said “Joop!” and our tourguide said it was pronounced “Yop” (rhymes with ‘Pop’). So, it’s possible that this guy went with “Yop Cousteau”, which is incredibly fitting for this weird tale.


I’m sure Ryan loves this. He’s got an absolute fringe candidate trying to primary him, as opposed to a moderate republican who doesn’t have complete disdain for the elderly, the poor, unions, etc. Nehlen will be cannon fodder.

Him being impotent means he’s only capable of the short answer. Oh!

Blindfold over the Mavs logo in the video. Nice touch.

Stick to spurts

Smart man.

I promise I’ll like your sources if they’re credible. But they won’t be. Nice try.

Pretty sure this video does not contain the snippet where he says that stuff, just an FYI.

I’m certainly not taking your word for it. Citations or GTFO.

Prague is ‘Praha’, Budapest is pronounced ‘Budapesht’, etc. etc. etc.

The NRA donated towards the campaigns of politicians so that they do not take legislative action, idiot.

Here’s a fact: this doesn’t happen nearly as often anywhere else in the world, idiot.

And if lying feels good, false equivalencies must feel great because your post is chock full of them. Idiot.


“I’m sorry I was focused on feeling good about myself for being the best in the world at something that happened within the last hour. I should have flogged myself on tv right when the first reporter asked me about something I dealt with several years ago. I regret that I was perhaps annoyed that someone wanted to

This is good Kinja.

Rep. Charlie Dent

Username checks out.

Ehhhh I don’t know about “pretty common.” Although I would say some things make better sense when they are heard vs. when they are read, and this phrase definitely fits that description.

Look, The Office was mostly awesome. The last 2 seasons were mostly lackluster (I think the absolute bottom was the camera guy storyline), but the series finale was incredibly enjoyable and the best possible way to end the series. E-N-D.