
Counterpoint: His inclusion in the series finale was AMAZING and, quite frankly, it was fitting that he was only featured for a little bit. He had been absent for quite some time, and the day was Dwight’s. It was wonderful, even if I agree with you that the lion’s share of the last 2 seasons was dreadful.

TIL about Mal Waldron, thank you

Lot of fucking cynics in this comment section. This is a good thing, full stop.

Dent’s certainly a more moderate Republican, serving in what used to be Pat Toomey’s congressional district. If ever you needed to keep an R, Dent would be a good one to have - relative to the rest of them. Oh well, hoping his seat turns Blue..

Phil Spector, too... yeah?

I believe that to be the case for the states north of there as well. Certainly as you head north towards Iowa and Illinois.

It was very polite for the Colts to send all the other candidates home with ‘Finalist’ banners.

Luc Longley

No way lol. Pray-gue?! When you name your city after an old-ass European capital, maybe take their pronunciation!

Meh. He’s got money. I do not see Donald capable of convincing someone he’s “changed.” Sure, he’s convinced countless idiots that he is the best, the brightest, the guy that will get stuff done... but changing course is not what he does.

Yeah, I thought there was a pretty good chance that thing came back down on all 4 wheels. They’d be cleaning ‘Bro’ off the undercarriage..

Pats fans ALREADY bring that shit up. They’re equal parts “disrespected by the haters” and “the best ever” in the eyes of their fans. Another SB win is not going to magnify that, unless you haven’t seen or heard from a Pats fan in the past 3 years.

I mean, the Patriots are the best NFL Dynasty of all time. That’s the objective truth right now. There’s not going to be ‘new’ takes on that if they win another. You’ll hear more of the same, but shit we’ve been hearing it for several years already. It’s been settled.

If you’re referring to the guy who has the last playoff win as a Browns head coach, I’d call that somewhat successful. And for Cleveland, it’s practically a Super Bowl W.

Counterpoint: I live close enough to Philadelphia that I would never hear the end of it from these dopes. I’m not gonna say “Go Pats,” but I’m certainly not rooting for the Eagles..

It’s about gaining/keeping as many House seats as possible with the current map, which greatly benefits PA’s minority political party (in terms of raw numbers). So yeah, it’s the ‘Presidential Election’ because that is the most noteworthy position being voted for in that election. But waiting until then serves

Even better if it’s taxpayer-backed!

...are there any other representatives voted on during Presidential election years that might benefit the political party who has thus far benefitted from gerrymandered districts?

At least two dozen Democrats are scheduled to bring young undocumented immigrants to President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address.