White Conservative Tears should be the next Mountain Dew flavor.
White Conservative Tears should be the next Mountain Dew flavor.
I already posted about it, but I’m a hardcore wolf’s rain fan. I think it should be a model of writing (not to say it’s perfect) because it does so many things well.
Wolf’s Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Godfathers, Macross Plus, Samurai Champloo, Space Dandy, Carole and Tuesday: This is a murderer’s row of anime classics over the past 3 decades, and this woman’s responsible for writing a good chunk, if not most of them. I grew up with them and still am in awe of them all.
Worth noting that the screenshot is a reference to this very horny Metroid: Zero Mission TV spot.
Soft disagree. Very soft.
The anime would do the educating. I’m sure you remember in Samurai Champloo when the narrator would break into an episode to discuss something important to Japanese history. That could have been easily added on the first episode where the kanji made an appearance, discussing the distinction from the Nazi Swastika.
Always sucks when they do this. It’s so regularly used on the other side of the globe. Wouldn’t it be better to teach people about it than continue to censor it out and perpetuate the ignorance?
Should educate people about it instead of removing it. Make it so people connect it to Buddhism first, and Hinduism, and more?(don’t know how many use it) before they get to nazis.
Scotland has entered the chat
Playing it for the first time here. The nice thing is... you can do everything at your own pace. The difficulty level always kept me away, but not I’ve jumped in and I’m having a blast. If you start to feel like things are too much, backtrack, take some deep breaths, and come up with a plan. I’m actually really…
I’m ALL ABOUT those Governor’s Daughters!
No, trademarks in the US mostly work fine. Trademarks are industry-specific; that’s why there can be a company named Kohler that makes engines and an unrelated company called Kohler that makes toilets.
They aren’t a big company. All the factories that produce these things ar ein east Asia. They have to make their production orders waaaay out in advance, because there are only so many electronics factories in the world. A company the size of Analogue has to jockey for production time and materials purchases with the…
I think the problem is too many people read 1984, but interpreted it as an instruction manual.
You have got to be kidding me... -.-
mandatory “get off my lawn”
I was gonna post a rant about that annoying little brat, but I’m starting to think that’s not a good idea.
You’re not alone. I’ve seen three different trucks there, along with at least four trikes. Gave me a good chuckle, at least now I know ONE motive, lol..
The real change is... ON THE INSIDE.
Tow? If that’s my property, that’s an immediate tie the other end into my 2-phase 220 outlet, grab a beer and watch the fun.