Here’s what you should know before you start.
Here’s what you should know before you start.
You want to bring the glory back? Bring back Hiroki Kikuta as series composer when you work on that next game.
Turns out the campaign to kill all the animals in the irradiated countryside wasn’t done merely to prevent the spread of the contamination, but also as an attempt to find and kill the American spies Moose and Squirrel.
Thought I was looking at Katsuhiro Otomo’s work
Hang on, hang on, you’re telling me the aggressive asshole was wrong? Quelle surprise.
This all changed when HTML5 hit the scene, [...] HTML5 is more powerful, easier for developers to use
Ukyo’s in, just that they don’t have gameplay footage of him yet.
So I read the original article, it says 1 000 Billions Yen. In dollars it’s $9 Billion.
I think the reason it felt so believable to WoW players is because HOLY SHIT were there some stupid people playing that game. We’ve all experienced the joy of a Leeroy in our group at least once.
uh, you’re supposed to drink miso soup directly from the bowl....
In Localhost, you play as a network administrator on the first day of their job. You’re asked to go down to the shop and wipe some hard drives that have been corrupted...
So the title should read
For Bison, that was the most painful day of his life. For Chun-Li, it was Tuesday
Classic Blacktron for life!
Because Samus Returns looks like a game from 1997 while AM2R looks like a game from 2017. Pixel art ages extremely well, especially when it properly scales to modern resolutions the way AM2R does. 3D rendering at 3DS resolution does not age well... because it’s very small and has no way to scale to modern resolutions.
Both? What can I say, I’m a big fat nerd that likes anime girls. I mean, there are worse things.
Finally, Schreier explains, in detail, why 6 is the greatest FF of all time.
Re: Softcore Adventures.
Can you not post articles about this wanker please? It only heightens his profile even further. Thank you.