
Thats because Gundam is pronounced Gandamu with the Japanese phonetic alphabet, so what you are hearing is correct. If you wrote out the romanized representation it would be spelled Gandamu. The ‘u’ sound in Japanese is a long u, like the double ou sound in ‘you’. The vowel ‘a’ is pronounced ‘ah’. Honestly I don’t

Sheesh Brian, why dont you just tack on the difference between は and が while you are at it ;). Generally speaking I saw more of the elderly use Nippon more than the younger generations. Even as far as saying Nippongo and Nipponjin. I always viewed it as a stylistic thing and often observed the usage of Nippon used in

This sounds like the same process for No Mans Sky.  It was more complicated than it should have been to get that save over to the PS5

Joe and Mac all the way baby!  One of my favs from back in the day.

I was a bit wary during the first episode due to the non animation-ness of it, but warmed up to it half way through and was laughing through the rest of the season.  I recommend it, however I like the recent live action JDrama much much better.  It was perfect!

Thank goodness for the people that archive the internetz. I love the analog synths from that Luminist track. very nice. Thanks for sharing.

Now playing

The Metroid track reminded me of a version SuperPope did back in ‘99 on the album Supercheesy, titled Zebethian Sruface. Sadly the album is lost to time as I can’t find anywhere anyone it has uploaded it. Maybe that falls on my shoulders?

In software development, we have what we call the 3-legged stool: Quality, Features, and Speed. You can only pick two to get a release out. Unfortunately the one that should never ever be on the table, Quality, often is.

Looking at all the replies to this, it makes me feel slightly better I am not the only one that feels this way.

Keep going. While the story in vanilla FFXIV is ok, it gets soooo good in Heavensward, and apparently keeps getting each expansion. (I just finished Heavansward, and am working on the in between content to stormblood.)

I sighed at the sight of this until I saw that Mone will be in it, so I will give it a watch. I’m sure it will still be horrible tho.

Man, this is almost what I wanted in a remake.  Updated graphics but kept the original feel to the game.  Also, SE finally figured out how to make RPG text look good on mobile.

You are correct my good sir.

Kinda has a Cocco vibe to it.

Makes sense.  Thanks for the clarification.

I’ve had the thing for a year, put a reminder in my phone to cancel in Jan so I didn’t forget. Its now cancelled and I did not even pull up the app once the entire time. I honestly did not see anything that gave me a reason to pull it up. Now I may come back for a short stint to watch Foundation, but that’s about it.

Originally back when it aired, Ducktales was syndicated, so it aired on network TV, at least thats where I watched it when it first came out. I guess depending on where you were it could have been different, but it def did not start on the Disney Channel.

For me its a toss up between the N64 and the Wii-U. I will probably get a lot of flack for the N64, but i had it for a few weeks, then tossed it in the closet and would pull it out for Mario kart or Mario Party if I had friends over. If I really had to choose one, then the Wii-U, I only had a few games for it, Mario

I’ll probably give it a shot eventually. I’ve heard good things about the story etc, and it does look gorgeous.

Me too, I was thinking about getting this, but I play games to relax, not to get more stressed out, and with less and less time to actually play an Easy mode would have sold this for me at launch.