
The first eerie game I played was probably 7th guest.

The wishlist is the quickest way I check to see if any of the games I am interested are on any given sale. Sheesh Sony, its not like that is a hard feature to keep/implement on your store front.

Love that you have DD up at the top, its probably my favorite MK to date. DK mountain is such chaos.

I have my PS4 currently standing up vertically behind my TV. It doesn’t take up any space that way

So it looks like the PS5 is bigger than the 4, but same size or slightly smaller than the 3?

Ebay does have a policy for pre-orders. This happened back with the FFXV special edition pre-order. I think it was a 6 months out or something like that, their policy is the item must be delivered within 30 days. Now the policy is only as good as the enforcement of it, but I remember quite a few listing for FFXV being

Probably not, and just wait until he grows into a collector, then its finding room for the lego boxes......I need a bigger house.....

Adblocker is your friend on desktop, and mozilla makes a adblocker version of firefox for mobile (but its only single tab which is annoying), there are other adblocked browsers available for mobile as well.

Oh Yoshimura, you were doing so well in the fight against COVID and Abe’s idiocy, then you had to pull this stunt. My wife looked at each other yesterday when he announced this on the news, with WTF on our faces. Then both said “Let the panic buying start!”.  Classic Trump move there buddy. SMH.

I still have one that is unopened as well. I was wondering the other day what it would be like if I drank it right now.  Glad someone else did it for me.

You got to enjoy this if you played Ghestalt. I was kinda disappointed that Replicant didn’t have a similar intro in Japanese.

I asked my wife this (shes a native) and she said that since WWII the government doesn’t have the power to shut businesses down. They can only recommend. I have been surprised at how lax japan has been with this. Most of the outer prefectures only have a handful of cases but Tokyo has been rising 200 a day or so the

Replicant was ps3 Japan only, it features Nier as a younger boy/man who is a brother to Yona. Ghestalt features Nier as an older man who is Yonas father. It was released on Xbox360 in everywhere and PS3 everywhere (except Japan). The game is the same in both versions with the exception of the relationship between Nier

Anakin Skywalker would like a word with you.

I would recommend the first game on the ps3 as well if you can find it.  Its kinda clunky but still great.  You can play Automata first tho.

Yes, yes you do.  That is one of the few games I consider to have changed/impacted my life.  Deep game on many levels, awesome music, I could go on.

I believe the correct term you were looking for Nathan would be “ninja-ing

Man, how Japan has changed. I remember back in the late 90s riding my bike down the street and looking up at a tall building and seeing a large add with a full-on naked woman. Also gone are the days of having nudity on broadcast TV. I’m not complaining about the change, its just interesting that Japan is doing a 180

This is what brought me back to FFXIV, unfortunately its taking me forever to get through the main story, I’m level 63 and almost finished with the endgame story of vanilla that leads up to the first expansion....

And while living there did you respect their culture, or just do whatever you wanted to?