
This. My wife (native Japanese) says that pretty much every time Korea gets a new President, this whole cycle of pressing Japan for more money and apologies starts all over again. I think Japan is finally getting sick of it, they have paid multiple times, they have apologized. The first thing I thought of was, hmm I

Making an assumption here, you have never lived in a foreign country have you?

Retron uses software emulation while analogue try and recreate the actual hardware via a core, so it would be closer to how the original systems ran.

I came just for the Budokan gif. That game was my jam back in the day!

We readily have both Livewire and Pitch black where i live. Both of these being my favorite. I do (dew? hehe) miss the apple flavored one.

I have only played one DQ on the DS and it was years ago, I am more of a FF fan. I picked up DQXI on the PS4 and loved it so much that I ended up getting the platinum trophy for it. It has a great story and great characters. I am also picking up the switch version so I can play it in retro mode. Give it a shot.

Its like the Flemish Giant version of a Cat!

Oh man, I lost it at #5.  Props to you good sir.

This wasn’t mentioned in the article, but I am assuming that after removing what you can with your fingers through the finger slot in the bag, after the bag is removed you wipe with toilet paper of some sort (looks like mini napkins/tissues in the pic) and then deposit them in the bag along with the feces?

Now playing

Here is a cute short that Anno’s Wife did (I think it was her anyway) about his depression, the new movies, more depression, Studio Ghibli’s envolvement and the new godzilla movie, and how he overcame his depression. Its pretty good, give it a watch.

That Beast Wars prototype is tight.  I wish they would just do a giant version of that.  It looks very menacing.

I keep bugging Square-Enix for FF VI remade in the octopath engine.  I would die a happy man if that ever happened.

That sounded a lot like Mark Hamill

That chorus has a slight Judy and Mary feel to it.  Thanks for sharing.

Instead of buying an extra dock, I just got an extra power cord. The real pain for me was reaching behind the entertainment center to unplug it. The dock is pretty to just unplug and take along with the Switch so it made more sense, and was waaay cheaper, to get an extra cord.

Instead of buying an extra dock, I just got an extra power cord. The real pain for me was reaching behind the

OMG, I had forgotten that this thing existed.  Thanks for the blast to the past.  IIRC this was one of those 2-4 quarter/play games.  I think i played it a time or two.

I really wanted to like Mirrors Edge, and I did up until the point where they forced you into hand to hand combat (that came pretty early on)which just didnt seem to fit for me . I slogged all the way through it to see the ending which lead up to a future second game and I told myself that I wouldnt ever bother with

This was truly a great game, my copy is collection dust along with my wii. I wish it had been released on the PS3 as well as The Last Story.  Both were great games that had the unfortunate opportunity to be released on a subpar system.  Here is hoping to some ports in the future.

Actually your response of ‘nopewas correct. JediHeadband just proved that he is the one that can’t read very well. The word used was ‘unable’ not ‘able’. Anyway, I agree with your opinion but I get why people would get competitive with it as well. To each their own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is this a port of the PS3 remake?