
There is a list of everything used by year at the end of the video, You will need the ability to ready Japanese tho.

Nope, Maison Ikkoku was not there. Too bad there was no representation from anything Takahashi. She was a big influence in the 80's. Man, I really miss hand drawn anime.

wow, hes like double the size! I didnt realize the new Devastator was that big either. Had plans to get it but never got around to it. Thanks for the vid!

How does the new Trypticon compare in size to the original? I pulled my original out recently and it was a little smaller than I remember, of course I was a lot smaller back then too.

Here’s to hoping its better than V was, and that they put Mina back in...

Its already happening, the amount of chubbier children is significantly higher than it was 20 years ago.

I find this a little hard to believe, My wife’s Japanese cookbooks don’t have that amount of Katakana in them, unless He specifically used only the Katakana words from the books which would be a tedious job of separating it out from the Kanji and Hiragana, at that point its would be easier to switch the IME on your

I was lucky to see this when I went to the Ghibli Museum a few years ago, it was the perfect addition to a truly magical place.

Honestly I assumed they were dead, since they appeared with Noct along with his Father and Luna, who are dead, when he kills Ardyn. It kinda cheapens the ending for me even more. I feel the perfect ending would nix out the scene with Noct and Luna at the end, and just fade out with the 4 empty camping chairs. That

Ah! My Goddess! has quite a bit of racing elements to it although its not about racing. At least the 3rd OVA, and probably the TV series. The Manga def has lots of racing of some type or other in it.

I just watched it a month ago or so, and boy is it a roller coaster full of emotions.

Just combine em for Fry Sauce. Its very tasty, problem solved. Cant we all just get along?

I remember I had to drive about a 45 minutes away to a Babages software store since they were they only store that had it in. I hauled my SNES to my friends house who had just recently moved close to that area and we popped the cartridge in. This opening was was amazing and made such an impact, right up there with FF

Smallish adult size hands here, I prefer the regular size 3DS to the XL. Really sad the new regular size never made it to the states :(

Rats, I was hoping to have this to play over the holidays. Oh well, here’s to a better game!.

Actraiser, the original Action/Farming game! Loved it.

Definitely F-Zero. We’ve been waiting far too long for a new one to come out.

Dont forget Blacktron

I would argue that Ginkakuji is better than Kinkakuji, yeah the building doesnt look as impressive since it doesn’t have the metallic shine, but the gardens around it are very pretty. Also I would add Ise Jingu and the Ise to Toba skyline drive. Very breathtaking.

You can know which apps that will be affected already. If you open up an app on your device and you get a popup saying that this app will not work with future versions of iOS and that the developer needs to update it, that means that app is a 32bit app and will be removed. Developers have had the ability to compile