I loved Hagane back in the day. Makes me wish I would have boughten it instead of just renting it :P
I loved Hagane back in the day. Makes me wish I would have boughten it instead of just renting it :P
I dont usually watch dubs, but I will always maintain that the Fox dub was far better than the Disney. The Disney missed out on some very cool details the fox translators actually caught. For example in the original Japanese Mei mispronunces the word for Polliwog, and the Fox dub also reflects this detail where as the…
Seems fitting since Nagoya has the highest Otaku population in Japan, probably because there is not much else to do there. Cant wait to see it next time I go through Nagoya.
I agree, alpha/zero 3 was my favorite and Super Street Fighter II Turbo a close second. The only thing I didnt like was making Bison the end boss for all characters. It broke the alpha mold that way. Not that it matters much since I play Chun Li the most, but it was a refreshing thing to play the game with other chars…
Not, bad. I would swap out WildGuns, Pocky and Rocky, and Super Punch out for Final Fantasy IV, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Joe and Mac.
I believe it was Wheeljack who put Spike into a tranformer body.
Small typo, you have Bubumi where is should be Babumi.
awww, beat me to it.
This is probably one of the coolest cemeteries I have ever been too. My wife and I spent hours taking pictures and walking through it. Very pretty, especially in the rain.
Mirrors Edge and Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 for me. I finished them both, but man they just stopped being fun toward the middle/end of the game.
Thanks SNK for continuing to ignore the Samurai Spirits/Showdown series and bringing us stuff like this....
Just found the Big Crunch Bar at a local Walmart for $4!
Here is basically the new version from what is left of the disolved studio:
This Seinfeld episode was literally on while I was reading this post, I had to do a double take to make sure I wasnt imaginging it.
Best movie you will only watch once.
Land of the worst chocolate.
An open carry zone kinda does ring a bell, but I was working 18 hour days 7 days a week for a Japanese TV station, so I didnt exactly get to spend a lot of time at night downtown. Anyway, looking into it, no laws were actually changed for the olympics, rather enforcement of the laws were laxed a bit for the durration.
I dont actually remember that myself (also a long time resident of SLC), I guess I was too busy driving news crews around to all the venues.
“You are a guest in someone else’s home. Either respect it or leave.”
Looks like this calls for another trip to the Ghibli museum! Seriously, I was so bummed knowing I wouldnt be able to get in the cat bus. Thanks perverted dude who had to ruin it for the rest of us <shakes fist>. At least the “Mei and the kitten buss” short made up for it.