Generally speaking if you go for the kiss and the other person isn’t into it their body language lets you know before you get your tongue down their throat.
Generally speaking if you go for the kiss and the other person isn’t into it their body language lets you know before you get your tongue down their throat.
Jeez... some of the comments here are “kiddie diddler defense force 101”.
The one writing dirty, misogynistic fanfic about what they’d do if she was a consenting adult is also nuts in its own way. Between this and the guys who were like “oh he’s just setting a boundary to not let her have photos of herself in a swimsuit or talk to men” in the last article about him the response on this…
Why was my reply to this deleted?
Yeah, Bong looked at a story where she said she was 16 and didn’t say what year it was and he pretended to detective it up and “prove” she was 19.
Man, being angry at women for rejecting you is a full-time job.
Nice conspiracy theory, bro, but no. I do believe this woman, and would believe her even if I like Jonah Hill.
Yeah, that guy totally made that up.
“I already won this debate so I’ll let you have the last word =)“
Someone invite these minors to the party, so someone had an expectation minors would be there.
Well, good to know my long-held dislike for Jonah Hill for always playing obnoxious assholes was right on the money.
I’ve lived my life well enough that I don’t go into full defense mode every time a celebrity is accused of bad behavior.
I hope I don’t sound like I’m piling on or jumping on the “hater” bandwagon but Hill always came off as a fake, PR produced “good guy in Hollywood”.
What kind of rebuttal were you seeking for your fantasy?
Cool story. Who was blackout drunk here?
Perfectly fair and reasonable to have questions the first time or even two times something like this drops. When the drip starts to turn into a stream, you’ve got a problem. A lot of people put their careers on the line when they say stuff like this publicly, because it can (and often does) come back to bite them in…
When you drink, do you lose the ability to tell people apart?
Seth Rogen is running out of bros.