ham pineapple

I will not take this Chalet Sauce slander.

I continue to believe that the food elevators are going to be the McDonald’s ice cream machines of these designs. Then you end up with either a full lane closed or staff running stuff up and down.

Ok I’ve been sitting here staring at the pic. Is the yellow . . . tongue thing on the burger the egg? Or the sauce?

Yeah I was kind of hoping this was a pizza on one of their wraps. Alas.

I know this is a food blog, but we’d all be remiss in not mentioning how terrible the physical makeovers they gave the places were. Cheap as heck and not going to last more than a week without looking worn.

Ikea has recently changed their mac and cheese recipe in order to make it vegan and it’s a real shame. 

“Seems to be mostly about money not a great food experience:(.”

“Maximum Homerdrive” introduced my family to the phrase “Homie, don’t fill up on bread!” which we use at least quarterly and every time we go to a buffet. A gift to the world.

Perhaps the only time an adult should eat it, tbh.

This is wild?!

I mean you lost me by putting Beefaroni at number 9 but you made me physically recoil from my screen by ranking Pasta in Butter sauce at number 2.

I will do it. I will travel back in time and kill baby Logan Paul to prevent this atrocity from happening.

Hmm, Canadian McDonalds still have bagel breakfast sandwiches everywhere but they appear to be dressed with butter, not this magical sauce. Shame.

Re: blueberries - I wonder if this could be the difference between high- and low-bush berries. Lowbush blueberries tend to be the smaller, tarter berry while the highbush ones are the large, mushy not-worth-eating kind.

What is going on in that second to last picture? Chicken burgers with maybe 2 types of cheese and green chilis?

I love me some fresh peaches and want to be excited about this, but artificial peach flavour is the worst. It makes everything taste like terrible diet peach yogurt. If these are all flavored by chemical peach flavour, I will pass and buy a single, crazy expensive peach instead.

I’m always curious if these types of “charitable” donations end up being some sort of tax write off for the company. See grocery stores asking for charitable donations at the register. 

I might be wrong but the location at Universal Orlando isn’t new - it was there the last time I visited in 2018.

This doesn’t sound great but you know what does? Ice cream on a McGriddle.

Can someone explain why these all have some sort of stuff on top? That’s weird, right?