ham pineapple

free cheeseburger, hash browns, McChicken, or vanilla ice cream cone after their first order is placed, plus an order of free fries.

I would just like to not have to google the celebrity to find out who they are.

Why had it never occurred to me to roast rhubarb? 

Yeah this is the part of the story I would like more info on, please.

(An early prototype used algae, but it made the milk turn blue.)

I’m neither pro- nor anti- monarchy but this story sure feels like some sort of metaphor.

This is why the stock market is bad.

Just when you think Giuliani couldn’t get worse, somehow he manages it.

Agree completely re: lettuce and tomato on these things, even shitty fast food tomatoes. Also even though the buns look like they’ve been punctured and deflated, that’s still one good looking chicken sandwich. 

I’ve been to Homes Deport (/ht JicagoChusticeExcession upthread) on both Canadian coasts that had food stands in the lobby type area between the entrance and exit. Regretting I never ate there.

Someone get me Violet Affleck’s opinion on these two, please.

Honestly at this point I’m just waiting for them to do the greek wrestling where they slather themselves in olive oil and try to shove their hands down each other’s pants.

*whispers* Air fryer. 

My best friend’s dad was on the road a lot for work and always kept a hand towel tucked in the driver side door for tucking into his shirt to prevent spills. A man ahead of his time. 

Well I guess I know what food gift everyone in my family is getting this Christmas.

White cheddar SmartPop popcorn and cheezies. And she can tell the difference between these two snacks and anything else. I’m eating chips? Regular popcorn? She could not care less. I break out one of the two above? I’ve got a lap full of cat.

White cheddar SmartPop popcorn and cheezies. And she can tell the difference between these two snacks and anything else. I’m eating chips? Regular popcorn? She could not care less. I break out one of the two above? I’ve got a lap full of cat.

each component has additives for a boost in nutrition or energy, like beef jerky fortified with caffeine

No straw can do that to an orange. A surgical-grade blood-drawing device might be able to, but even then, good luck getting the juice to flow.