
My favorite corporate conspiracy theory is that Gillette bundles a clip of sharper, longer-lasting razor cartridges in with their handles to build brand loyalty, and then every fourth or so kit of refills contains a single extra-sharp cartridge just to keep you on the line.

Follow-up — Is Clifford that specific shade of dull red because his owners hosed him down with tomato soup after he got into a kaiju fight with a giant skunk, and if yes how much screen time is devoted to the fight?


I’ve worked on camera risers at fairly large concerts, and the rule is that you do not under any circumstance let non-media onto the riser. A lot of times you’ve gotta be a hard headed asshole in enforcing that. I’d imagine this goes doubly for techs who’ve got union safety guidelines to follow.

There’s that temporary workplace railing, although I’m not sure how sturdy it would be on grass without pouring concrete. Maybe if you drove some really hefty tent stakes through the base?

You’re both discussing statutory rape and the relevant ages of consent and majority. Elgort was alleged by the woman to have solicited nude photos of a minor as well as violated her consent during intercourse.

Technicolor by the 1950s actually had a film speed comparable to Ansco or Eastman color negative stock, so I believe the issue then came down more to how a Technicolor camera in its sound-dampening housing was roughly the size and weight of a cruiser motorcycle, which increased location production costs by

Oh no, whatever shall lifelong New Englanders do with all this extra weather, because never has this region ever dealt with storms? We surely are unprepared and doomed.

I’ve never replayed it for the same reason — as much as I loved “Psychonauts” when it came out, my experience in revisiting that era’s platformers has been awful and tarnished my fond memories.

As a set and in circumstances like you’re saying, I think it works. Preposterous, but it works.

Well, if the tiara sold at perhaps the world’s most famous auction house for $35,000, I can’t imagine the market supporting a much higher price. Also, unlike Ms. Engman, I’m nearly certain that Christie’s employs professional appraisers.

I’m very pro-piracy in general, especially as a method of games preservation and access to games whose disks you’ve lost, but with newer releases it just doesn’t seem worth the time and effort and chancing shit like this. Between Steam sales and Game Pass and whatnot, you can play so many games for comparatively so

Yeah, it’s why they now coat button cells in bitterant. Keeps babies from eating those delicious, delicious batteries.

Try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot!”

On the plus side, plenty of leg room!

I sort of understand if it’s an outside studio sending Netflix a 5.1 theater mix, but even their original programming suffers from this issue. You’d think a streaming service would consider that a good chunk of the devices running it are going to be laptops and phones or tablets with shitty speakers and two-channel ste

One of the funniest parts of this segment is that for all his nerd bashing, Conan’s the one constantly perving on animated videogame women.

I’ll settle for proper audio mixing. Maybe my speakers just suck, but it’s as if Netflix wants to condition their viewers to require subtitles being always on.

All I can think of is the angry redneck from "South Park" who's constantly trying to pick fights.