

just... have... the last season... crossover... with... FRISKY DINGO

The only work around I have thought of for this is single serving proportioned sauces, olive oil, butter. ( 25 mg or whatever) added by the customer at table.

Sorry about that exam.

I had to take my third year college Japanese final exam while high because I thought it would be a good idea to eat some homemade pot cookies the night before the exam and I was still feeling very strong effects when my exam came around the next morning even though I was otherwise a regular smoker.

Oh man, so many best moments. The rooftop scene between Hader and Carrigan is hilarious, but for me the best part of that scene isn’t the vomiting. It’s “If we suck balls, you are king of suck balls mountain.” I don’t know why that line cracks me up so much, but it does. It’s just perfect. 

This movie is very “I know writers who’ve used subtext and they’re all cowards”

Who elected this clown? You NEVER put cops in charge of public services. 

Nah that would violate their freedoms or something. Police brutality in NYC about to spike. Keep your cameras ready.

The cop thinks the solution to everything is more cops. This shit is so dumb you couldn’t even make it up. 

I wonder if they can at least get the cops to wear masks.

A lot of classically trained actors tend to take their work a lot more seriously than many other types of actors. I remember hearing on Season one of Star Trek The Next Generation, Patrick Stewart was often frustrated at the rest of the ensemble goofing off between takes, and I think he and the rest of the crew had

There will never be another Denzel Washington - just won’t! As a black person, as a master actor, as a citizen, as a role model for Black folks - especially for Black boys, there isn’t gonna be another Denzel Washington! So let’s move on.

People can and do die suddenly for completely mundane medical reasons.

This is a weird thing to want...

They decided to turn it into a global full immersion play. We’ve been in it for nearly 2 years now. 

Please someone ungrey me. How can I even get this job? I grew up on 4chan and worse, I can handle it. And I need a good work from home job. I’ve tried finding these jobs and have had no luck. 12 hours is a bit long tho and 3 videos at once is ridiculous. Still, I need a content moderator job.

You act like these people make six figures and have extensive life experience prior to taking these jobs. Given the conditions described here, I highly doubt that, and even if someone were (for example) willing to work construction without a hardhat, that doesn’t absolve the construction company of the obligation to

I’m sorry, but I’ve seen Steven Seagal movies that are more convincing as real-life things that happened when a camera was magically there.

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It’s a finisher car!. A transporter of gods - the golden god.

Studies showed that parking your car upside down reduced the likelihood of your automobile from being stolen by nearly 98% this Christmas season.