
“Is there a pop culture property that lends itself better to pessimistic reactions to how often it’s resurrected than Pet Sematary?”

No comments? Pfft, as if I read the articles before scrolling down to criticize Kotaku.

Law student, something something, bottom of class, something something. . . .

Mr. Shaman, don’t you worry. . . .

Holy shit, I’d forgotten all about Yak Baks!

That’s been my gripe with Samsung for as long as I can remember.

I don't think so. You're probably thinking of "Shazaam."

I'm thinking the main character in "Fifth Sense" could be a scientist in a mesh tank top?

Now playing

Without Cameo we wouldn’t have gotten David Hayter saying, “Colonel, I’m trying to sneak around, but I’m dummy thicc. . . .”

For the lazy, the tags are “bear,” “fat acceptance movement, “LGBT slang” and “masculinity.”

I wonder how this will affect participation with trending topics.

So it’s Garbage Pail Kids, except on the blockchain?

I hope we all get to dress like this:

Maybe a “Reefer Madness” style hysteria flick about cheuginess would set her and the rest of the teens straight.

Hell, didn’t Burton film “Batman Returns” on about $80 million? 1980s dollars, sure, but I think that film has roughly the same amount of work put into the sets as you’d need for “Bioshock.

Our greatest hubris was in believing we could handle both at the same time.

The “a butterfly on the back becomes a vulture in the crack” concept, except I’d imagine big honkin’ fake lips, being heavier than lower back skin, would give out earlier.

We should never have taught finance bros how to use computers.

There’s your answer. That’s who would say that.

Lopez does one of my all-time favorite pieces of physical acting in that movie, when after she grabs the shotgun from the trunk, she walks along the side of her car and without breaking stride just slams one of the doors closed with her hip.