
Yeah, I’m not usually about the “good old days,” but I really miss “character actor goes utterly ham as the villain” being a standard B and C-movie thing outside comedies and throwbacks.

I find it hard to believe that 69 percent of American men have never lived with a cat. Cats are little furry psychopaths at the best of times and fucking terrifying when they’re pissed off.

The “X-Files” revival really missed the opportunity to have Mulder start wondering if Scully’s refusal to age properly is a result of her alien abduction.

I appreciate Mission: Impossible, but holy shit does Simon Pegg just take me straight out of the movie whenever he’s on screen. He’s just one of those British comedians who I cannot for the life of me get over seeing in serious roles.

Also, my favorite Waze distracted driving story is when the Israeli military put it their patrol vehicles, and there were multiple instances of soldiers looking down at the map to navigate and accidentally crossing into Palestine.

I saw a Warhol in storage once. It hadn’t been stored very well.

“Well you can’t expect long hairs to fit down there. Now may I please be reimbursed for its price?”

That part they’ll figure out on their own.

This fits with my idea that all influencers must by law get their tubes tied or snipped. I figure they could easily be sold it by saying, “Look at all the famous people throughout history who’ve been taken for child support, plus you might even get a major award out of the whole thing!”

Plenty. Like how in “San Andreas” if you date the nurse you get to keep all your guns and money when you leave the hospital.

I mean, that’s bad enough. So many people already need to get beeped at to look up from their phones when the light turns green, and with the interactive community-focused direction advertising is headed these days. . . .

Snakes are just lizards with eye patches over their legs, if you think about it.

Explaining to your landlord how this silly device contributed to a clog is sure to keep that relationship positive!

But household chemicals are scary and bad, while crowdfunded infomercial-quality doodads are cool and good.

I’ve got a super high quality photocopy of my card and a bunch of old press pass holders, so if I go out unmasked I figure I’ll clip it to my shoulder bag or something to let people know I’m not a total asshole.

Digital Drano?

My best guess is that his balls flap up and cover his dick, as hands do to eyes in a game of normal peekaboo.


Aw man, I had no idea they even made one. I'll have to check it out.