
Didn’t they do kinda the same thing with Richard Ayoade in the horrendous American “IT Crowd” remake?

Yeah, I guess my argument ate itself there pretty quickly.

It’s worth noting that Ebert gave higher scores both to “Enemy of the State” and “Domino” than he did to “Top Gun.” And to his credit, because “Top Gun” shot basically its entire wad in the opening sequence by using an aircraft carrier airplane elevator as a screen wipe, and how do you move on with your movie to

🎵 Troy and Abed catching lawsuits! 🎶

Ugh, would you get on with the growing up, double-O-broom already?

“I thought Christmas only comes once a broom."

My favorite weird Verhoeven bit from “Starship Troopers” is that he got Denise Richards to react to bugs that would later be composited in by chasing her around while screaming and swinging a large broom.

The tromboner for my shitty teenage ska band wrote a song for us called “When Band Kids Go Wrong” about pretty much that same thing. Which was an excellent song, and to this day I fail to see why someone once unplugged our stage monitors while we were halfway through playing it.

I could go either way. Give me a personal chef, or take the same amount of money a personal chef would cost and build me the most beautiful kitchen ever seen so that I’d never want to stop cooking.

Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down.

It’s amazing how that 30-minute guarantee persisted as a myth even into the late 2000s. Maybe “Aqua Teen” doing a Mooninites joke about it kept the dream alive.

God forbid Romney legislate state healthcare policy less awful than the alternatives that was socialist on nothing but paper only for the GOP to blame the whole deal on a Black man until now.

Oh, no, Mr. Barsanti — not the snark! Anything but the snark!

Guess who else had become “increasingly isolated throughout the coronavirus pandemic?” Basically every American not holding an essential job.

Food poisoning can cause delirium, but I think you’d have to be really desperate in order to describe the effects as “being high.”

Whoa, John Ennis! He’s almost completely unrecognizable from the “Mr. Show” days.

I will go see this movie only if it contains hot merging action.

Ah, yes, the first Stew — a cautionary tale of why you do not fuck with Weights and Measures.

Now playing

Yeah, his podcast is much funnier than the show’s been for a while now, so you didn’t miss a whole lot. I think you could tell that Conan was getting tired of the format, especially the perfunctory promo tour interviews, and my guess is that’s a big part of why he started doing the “Conan Travels” pieces.