
Seriously. You could do this with a $4 boxed cake mix. They crank that stuff out in such volume that no single consumer is wasting any appreciable amount of food by baking one cake intended to be destroyed, and it’s not like the baby’s gonna have a gourmand’s discerning palate and turn their nose up at Duncan Hines.

I know they’re fairly effective at preventing COVID-19 transmission, but something about a cop wearing a gaiter just pisses me off. It screams “unprofessional.”

I hate it when bugs in a website interfere with my bug chasing.

“Hi, Tim Apple speaking.”

No, this is awesome.

Speaking from my recent thrifting, I’ve found numerous older Lands’ End and Levi and old Old Navy shirts and flannels and sweaters for about five bucks apiece, not counting. Super durable articles for less than you’d pay at a fast fashion outlet, and the Goodwill racks hadn’t been raided for those pieces even in the

Do Wheaties and Wheaties royalties still exist in this alternate timeline? Because that probably would be a giant factor.

Oh, then you’ll love the active shooter training local departments pay PMC contractors to put their cops through. They give the patrol officers paintball rounds for their rifles and set them loose in a simulated school shooting, and it is fucking terrifying.

That’s the most troubling bit.

I’ve always thought Chalamet’s jaw looked like the unholy union of a Silly Putty container and a flathead screw, but maybe that's in this summer.

My favorite poop joke on the show is when Bob and Louise are dressed up as pickles and both finally overcome their mutual fear of pooping in public, and Bob says, “It wasn’t great. It took me a long time to get the suit off, and it didn’t end where I wanted it to end."

I replayed the first one recently for the first time in probably a decade, and what struck me was the remarkably sophisticated level design for a freeware tie-in “Doom” clone completed in such a rush. And whoever recorded the Flemoid sounds is a plain genius.

Aw, man, for a second there I misread the article and thought there might be a sequel to “8MM" happening.

Of all the cops I’ve ever met personally or interacted with professionally, Marshals take their job most self-seriously.

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I love how this cop’s punishment is in getting kicked off a U.S. Marshals body bag team and back onto the streets.

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I love Kevin so much. He is just such a joy in trying to spice up his terrible existence by learning how to cook gourmet food using office appliances.

Krysten Ritter is delightful and it’s about time we gave “super hot chick who grew up in front of a camera right about when everything started turning into cameras” a directorial voice. I mean that sincerely.

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I feel like at whatever size she could always lean into being kind of a crazy nuts bag.

I’m late here, but there’s a glaring error in this article.

I get where you’re coming from, and agree that “Solo” wasn’t the greatest movie ever, yadda yadda.