Cami D's statement and the accompanying GIF is so, so accurate and spot on. Hits me right in the feels. Good work, Jez.
Cami D's statement and the accompanying GIF is so, so accurate and spot on. Hits me right in the feels. Good work, Jez.
"Usually I end up relying on "I have a boyfriend" (whether true at the time or not) because, you know, if I'm already someone else's property then I'm off limits."
I work out religiously and am not trying to lose any weight. It does wonders for my mood and makes me feel great about my body, both of which might be beneficial effects to a woman who recently endured pregnancy and gave birth. Just sayin.
Don't forget that the Masshole will look for any excuse to "take things outside," especially when drunk.
Dude, this. Men and women have different needs sexually, peak at different points in their life, etc. etc. IMHO, monogamy is overrated. Open relationship, honesty, and communication FTW.
I am SO TIRED of "grump of thrones." For the past couple days, it's been all over my facebook newsfeed, my front page of reddit, my tumblr dash, AND NOW IT'S IN MY DIRTBAG. I get it, people. Grumpy Cat sat on the Game of Thrones throne. If I publicly acknowledge it, will it go away?
this is exactly what I thought! kitty totally had a beef with the baby, as is typical with established pets having to interact with a newborn.
My barbie did, too. Except I thought my Baywatch Barbie was too good for Ken - she'd only get it on with my younger sister's 12" GI Joe dolls.
Word on the street is that Leo is also surprisingly well-endowed, on top of being hot and successful.
I use this CC cream daily - to blend, use a damp foam sponge. Works wonders when I'm using extra concealer to hide a zit or something.
Fun as this collection is, I would never wear any of it, with the exception of the striped thigh-high stockings. I love me some crazy socks.
I do too! Neutrals are my favorite. I also love that I could see myself wearing a lot of these pieces in different settings, which is really refreshing to see coming from a runway collection.
former dcist, worked for the federal gov't. no one in DC dresses even half as well as the characters on HOC (or scandal, for that matter) do. it's also horrifically inaccurate - the best comparison I can think of is health care professionals' reactions to shows like grey's anatomy or house. or perhaps a better…
fuck george clooney, marry matt damon, and kill john goodman.
Currently in a 12 step program, so I feel qualified to comment on this issue. I've wondered about this, too, since my program encourages me to identify as just an "addict." I personally do not like identifying myself as such, because I feel like this term implies that I'm still using. "Recovering addict" works way…
With liquor, I don't think that's true. I've heard about restaurants/bars being held at least partially liable if a patron gets too drunk and drives.