mike todd

I think that you pretty much hit (Ray Rice, style) the nail on the head when you said "my fan-dom of those who deserve it isn't swayed by those who misbehave." I wish that I could up-vote it 10,000 times.

"Disappointed" doesn't begin to cover it. Yeah, it sucks to not watch football. That's the whole fucking point of a boycott: if you didn't care to begin with, then it's not a boycott. I'm not in the midst of a lengthy candy corn boycott: I hate that shit, and wouldn't eat it even if $5.00 of every $1.00 of candy corn

Most people are smart enough to understand 5 to 7 players don't represent the whole league. Most understand its just a game and understand theres alot more important things happening in this world to get outraged about.

Don't touch his head he doesn't like that!

Last month she interviewed Stone Cold Steve Austin, with a big smile on her face. An actual domestic abuser. But at least he didn't repeat any memes.

This all reads pretty hollow from a website that makes its paid advertisements look and read like editorial content.

"Gonna be a lot of people in Baltimore with Joe Flacco jerseys tomorrow."

Haha, feel free to copy/paste wherever you see fit. I seriously cannot stand to deal with this nonsense anymore. Marchman said "I think if it's going to deal out punishments, they should have some minimal consistency and logic.". Well, the previous domestic violence punishments were exactly consistent with Rice's.

All I can say about this NFL mess is: "Thanks, Obama."

Oh please, nothing to see here. Stewart is just piling on like everybody else. Without mentioning what to me is the bigger issue at play. That being, The Leniency of our legal system, you know, the facet of our society actually delegated to dole out punishment(not the NFl, contrary to popular belief). All these guys

I actually agree there is no good answer for the NFL and I agree that they shouldn't try to lead. I think people who are really upset about how the NFL handles conduct are putting their anger in the wrong place. We have a criminal justice system that gave Ray probation but people want punishment from the NFL and it

I don't necessarily agree with everything here, but the general point is spot on: if we as a society are expecting to be saved by the NFL, we're more screwed up than we want to believe. And it's not because of Roger Goodell, or the NFLPA or any one player. It's because, as a society, we've chosen to essentially

this is the worst rice news ive heard all week

So, by your logic, the countries with the highest rates of corporal punishment should be the best educated and most successful nations in the world, right?

No way it was the first time he hit her. He was so matter-of-fact, even after he knocked her out. If you had completely lost control and knocked your GF unconscious the one and only time, would you be, meh... got to pull her ass home again?? This has definitely happened before and it's only a matter of time before

Well if a woman is dumb enough to take a beating in exchange for financial support then that's her problem.

The act of beating a child and then stuffing his mouth with leaves is something Peterson refers to as "yard after contact".

You probably don't realize a lot of things, like logic or reasoning either.

shit, butt, fuck, cock, BARBARA STREISAND!

I'd be interested to see you guys take Chris Kluwe out of cold storage and have him chime in on this.