Dramatic much it wasn’t that serious he bumped his head but the level of ocer concern is laughable does this really merit a fucking article
Dramatic much it wasn’t that serious he bumped his head but the level of ocer concern is laughable does this really merit a fucking article
God Jeff fisher the most overrated coach in history seriously how does he keep getting jobs and love smith gets fired after winning 10games seriously
Well whatbdo.you expect white people blow every comment out of context
When white people cry about how kapernick disrespected the military and then troops of all races turn around and support kapernick
Fuck the bike lanes those assholes don’t pay road tax but demand a lane fuck them what about the asshole bikers who want to be cool and ride in the middle traffic
If sox won bid for a-rod he be a hero right now
Get the fuck over yourseld i hate people.like you how exactly did he cheat??
Ya but in the 90s MLB allowed it and 90% of the league was on juice so keep being a self righteous diaper stain
Im not gonna be a self righteous douche bag like 90% of the shit sippers on this site are.
How to become a over-rated artist
Holy fuck does he say this shit in public cause the knly example i read was he said in the privacy in his own house
Skip bayless say crazy shit=networks banging on his door backing up brinks truck
Call me stupid but wasnt wilson married before we all know good and damn well wilson isnt a virgin matter fact mr.man of god got a unholy divorce from said ex wife during the last year of his rookie deal
Ya but my companies biggest rivals didnt have one of there best employees publicly call me a bitch and try to kick my nuts and durant had a 3-1 lead and was 3 mins away from the finals so lets stop acting like durant doesn’t have a team,coach or capable front office maybe if durant didnt have 5turnovers in 3mins in…
Butdurant wanted to be in OKC which is why he signed that extension back in 2010
Im a LAKERS fan and im not jealous at all,for a guy who doesnt show up in big moments...we killed lebron for going to miami but somehow the hacks called writers will give durant a pass.
Yup just like allen Iverson got shit for missing practice to go to his best friend funeral ya know the practice rant but you dont get that part you only get the infamous practice rant but not the truth behind why inverson went on that rant
Dude grew up a hour outside boston
Dana is a useless middle man he is just a guy who got on the gravy train early anyone can do his job he doesn’t find talent he doesn’t make matches he doesn’t front the capital for venues or fighters he’s essentially don king or bob arum except they actually own there promotions I can’t even call dana vince McMahon…