mike todd

This is exactly why fighters need a union cause dana should have fined conor that works out but pulling him off the card is bad move for ufc for 2 reasons dana has this power to pull you off a card if he deems it right also who in the fuck are they going to get to replace conor ufc booked itself into a corner RDA is

I get arrians point it’s perception vs reality

Well I get your point but Maggie has a kid in the comics and maggies arc becoems really facsinating the lazy writing part was keeping judith alive for all these seasons

I don’t want to be the fake smarty pants but I read the comics I get the show is a different adaptation but if negan doesn’t kill Glenn next week I’m done with this shit

Bravo hahahaha a gang that rapes together stays together what I’ve heard

No but still it’s a work environment and brining your kid EVERY FUCKING DAY is kind of annoying even if kid isn’t distraction it’s sets bad example what’s to stop next guy from doing same exact thing before you know it your going to have to allow everyone to bring there mouth breathing kids to work

Ken Griffey was around his dad team but he wasn’t there every fucking day I’m sure he had to go to school it’s one thing if he’s there once and a while but everyday for fucking what seriously explain

Laroche is a diaper stain for this

Jesus let it fucking go already Baltimore 2yrs already especially when the ref made it clear to there sidelines that the lineman was eligible not new England’s fault your coaching staff was to stupid to hear

Ya cause his son is fucking 14 wanting to follow daddy to work like he’s fucking 6

Well watch the game and stop watching people spit you payed to watch baseball right?

Ya it’s good for no one but as long as your a adult I don’t give a shit what you do want to smoke rat poison cool your business not mine

No but you can go outside and have a cigarette if need be

Yes they can jackass they have smoke sections in stadium for people who are feening for a cigarette fans can also use smokeless tobacco as long as they spit into a cup and not on ground

Ya but Tom in accounting gets to go outside every 15mins to take a smoke break. In the great state of California in which I reside it perfectly legal to have a beer on your lunch break.

No let’s fucking stop policing grown people’s lives cause people are too stupid and lazy to raise there own kids

Wade boggs drank and atell a whole chicken before games

There going to kindly ask him to spit it out unless they put on banned substance list like peds can’t really do much to them maybe a fine but then how would you fine them

Who cares if grown ass men want to chew shit too pass the time by I’m not gonna demoize them for it nor do I encourage it

Seriously why are we banning this shit there grow fucking men and they know the risk involved