mike todd

So he’s gonna teach the boy how to gang bang groupies with his pals?

I’m fine with a business having a drug policy.

Somewhat ironic, considering that owners of WNBA franchises would like more butts in their Arenas.

I can’t wait until the Washington Mystics hire Mo Cheeks as their next head coach.

You missed an excellent opportunity to make that reply rhyme, rap battle style:

But Rodgers likes having his dick in dudes mouths.

This is an important story to report, because Hardy’s brother was in the driver’s seat. Talking to the media is not important, especially when there are unsolved crimes for the Hardy boys to investigate.

I had no idea that ESPN was pushing Rodgers as the QB GOAT. I think by almost all metrics, that will fall to Tom Brady, but I’m sure ESPN can find all sorts of statisticians to find ways of making that not true.

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If Michael Vick throws to his check down instead of forcing a jump ball to Riley Cooper, Aaron Rodgers playoff record is 2-6

A great friend will call you every day. . . I'll get so wrapped up in my shit, I'll never remember that stuff.

A great friend will call you every day and remember your birthday. Well, I'll never remember your birthday. I won't even remember your phone number to begin with. But it's already saved in my phone, you say? That won't do me any good, because I won't remember your name. Hell, I can't even remember my name. Who am I?

lol broads complaining about what other broads are wearing.

I went to San Diego zoo recently & was being eye fucked by the dominant male. There were 80 people checking out the exhibit & this dude is just chillin in the back. gansta leanin against his fake cave opening. That fucker tracked me as I walked from one end of the paddock to the other. Did he move a muscle? Turn

You can't bubble-wrap a quarterback.

Hi genius, both topics are Deadspin worthy. Congratulations on missing the point.

The Oakland Raiders threw an incomplete pass (a Hail Mary) that hit the ground with 2 seconds on the clock. The SD clock operator allowed the final seconds to run off the clock. The Raiders complained to the ref, Jeff Triplette, and then

What a "quieter." Seriously though, even Daniel Bryan healing and returning might not be enough to revive my interest in WWE at this point. Punk was one of the few who was good in the ring AND genuine on the microphone; this interview shows exactly how true to life his character was, and I miss that, but he owes me

The cruelest thing the company is doing, however, is still subjecting us to Roman Reigns promos.

In my time covering sports for a small market television affiliate I found the biggest motive to bury a story almost always had to do with access. The news outlet needs the subject more than the subject needs the news outlet.

Not defending Tiger, but that article was simply fucking awful. Not funny, not clever, just tired and amateurish. Which sums up just about ALL golf humor that exists. I'll bet Rick Reilly somewhere is envious of the piece though.