mike todd

Yeah, I bet its common in Philadelphia for restaurants to disrespect their star athletes when the dine in locally. I mean, this is a town that booed freaking Santa Claus.

I bet $61.76 that this restaurant receives $.20 tips all the time. I've been on McCoy's side this whole time, if you get pathetic service you have the right to leave a pathetic tip. And fuck restaurants who expect a big tip out of professional athletes or other wealthy people.

From my personal experience some waiters and waitresses think it's their god given right to get a decent tip no matter the quality of service. My tips always reflect the quality of service. I have in the past left a $20.00 tip for a meal that cost about $15.00 because the service and atmosphere was fabulous. When the

Of course. This may sound really cynical but football is notorious for being super macho straight man's game. And straight men love boobies so it's easier to support breast cancer even if there are greater dangers to women's health (not to minimize breast cancer). The breast cancer research support always seemed like

Why does it burn when I pee?

Finally, the comment that made my lazy ass create an account just to like it. Well done.

Would it be insensitive to ask how big a role (if any) Janay Palmer played in mitigating Rice's initial punishment during her and Rice's meeting with Goodell?

Who fucking cares?

What if Ray Rice hit Janay with Howard Stern's penis? BABBA BOOEY BABBA BOOEY.

also, if the answer is "no" then you've exercised all the power you have over the NFL.

16. How come hot dogs come in packages of ten and hot dog buns come in packages of eight?

Here are the questions we should answer:

"But where does the meat go??"

+1 Saudi family unaccounted for

1. If jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, then how di-

A large percentage of those arrested had charges dropped against them or were found not guilty. How is it justice to punish people where either the criminal justice system found them not guilty or there was no trial to begin with? I am asking not as an NFL apologist, but as someone that knows the criminal justice

It seems the % of NFL players charged with domestic violence is lower than the national average of arrests. If you extrapolate the amount of players listed here (56) into the # of NFL years played in Goodell's tenure (13,568) using the US population, you would get 1,295,952 arrests for DV. In 2012, there was

Ja Rule came to my shitty town and was set to perform but didn't because the civic center didn't have the 20K in cash on hand, on a Sunday night. Ja Rule don't do checks. Muuuuurrrdddaaa.

What does Ja Rule think about all this? Somebody please find Ja Rule so we can make sense of all of this.