Why do you gotta do Chow-Yun Fat like that?
Why do you gotta do Chow-Yun Fat like that?
Does Bomani Jones just spend his nights on Chatroulette expounding on conspiracy theories?
"I Believe (Stevie's Been Conning Us Forever)"
Me: "I hear what you're saying, but I gotta be honest, bud; what you're talking about sounds a lot like science fiction rather than fact."
Curls for the Venusian girls.
I once met a meth-head who tried to lure me back to his mobile home so I could help him disseminate "secret texts" he had downloaded from an FBI database that, purportedly, contained TOP SECRET information on the existence of an intricate underground tunnel system used exclusively by what are essentially omnipotent…
Big ups for the ultra-limited release packaging as well; I want to know where I can get my hands on that bottle-opener.
Not listed: human skin suits.
Blame their self-imposed embargo for that.
Agreed. The balls on Renegade to sue over the least-creative name for a Colorado beer. What, was Mile High taken?
Take some solace in the fact that Colorado has some of the best beers out there right now! Quick question; did the price of Left Hand's beer drastically go up in CO as well? Last winter I could buy Milk Stout in Chicago for ~$7-8 per 6er, but now it's ~$11; what gives? Also, which side of the Renegade/Elevation…
Bingo. Also, processing all those extra ingredients for brewing is often a time-intensive endeavor that despecializes (pretend that's a thing) your labor (e.g. brewers not brewing per se, but rather peeling/splitting/mashing/caramelizing/roasting/etc.).
I hid the rest of the 6er under the porch because I love you.
Thanks, but I'll just keep cutting these bad boys with vodka.
Hah! +1 face-melting solo
I'm glad to see you're all caught up with the rest of the class!
+1 social engineering experiment
"Sorry about that. I had nothing to do with that." This pretty accurately sums up Goodell's involvement with anything these last few weeks.
THIS! Every time I see a beer from 21st Amendment I flash back to my buddy Justin saying, "Oh you like radlers? This will blow all those away!" Wrong. Fuck you, Justin. Hell or High Watermelon is more grotesque than Coors Summer Brew and that shit tastes like Tropicana's industrial runoff.
I just don't think he's ever been able to get a handle on the playbooks. His route running has always been horrid and his hands were never great. Even last night, where he had 2 scores and made Tampa look even sillier than it already is, there were multiple plays where Julio Jones had to physically drag his body to…