MMA fans are desperate that their latest, greatest hope for legitimacy is about to get his ass kicked by an old boxer.
MMA fans are desperate that their latest, greatest hope for legitimacy is about to get his ass kicked by an old boxer.
“Every morning, he jogs the 47 miles from his two-bedroomed, eight-bathroomed, six up, two down, three to go house in Rygate to the Government Pesticide Research Centre at Shoreham. (pause) Nobody knows why.”
The car is only morally acceptable if the owner has Jerry’s face tattooed somewhere... Prominently. Just not on the penis.
I think it’s easier to assume that white people will never be helpful towards POC regardless of anything they do or say - you’ll be long dead before you see the society you want. Your children and grandchildren will be long dead.
So she needs to be 8 times as woke as anyone else, otherwise she’s complicit in our societal scam of egalitarianism. She should have been marching in Selma before she was born if she wants to make me believe she isn’t an awful human. Even then, how do we know she wouldn’t be marching just to make her white guilt go…
I’m puzzled by the insinuation she should figure this out behind closed doors. Yes, she’s 30, and this is delayed on our timetable of when worldly liberal people’s should have been having these realizations, But shaming people for not coming to terms with privilege fast enough will just make them defensive and push…
-Opens Door to Garage
No, this is totally an article about the Cardinals. It’s an article about how the Cardinals got nowhere near the World Series and their hated rivals won it all, and didn’t even have to really go through the Cardinals to do it because the Cardinals sucked and didn’t even sniff the playoffs. And now all the Cardinals’…
Pretty sure that on the big list of “should’s,” yours is a ways lower down from “financial advisors shouldn’t steal from their clients.”
Sports fans are THE WORST.
I call this porno: “THE NORMAN D INVASION”
That’s so odd. I’ve never been to Texas, but I immediately think Branch Dividians and fireball when I hear Waco.
I dunno, Id rather save classic Universal Monster movies for Svengoolie....
Seriously though, this whole culture and talent evolves thing skipped music. I will not be swayed. Shit today is trash.
*Tim Duncan. Goddam edibles.
That may be true, but the music these kids are listening to today is objectively worse than what was on the radio while I was growing up.
I don’t think Judge Kara Brown would approve of this being designated as shade. He definitely read all these old dudes for filth, though.
Somebody’s allowed to say “count the rings” and we’re out of line if we point out that they probably wouldn’t dominate the same way against a more competitive league? Good for the Celtics, but Don Nelson got to win a few titles in between smoking breaks, so forgive me if I’m not completely enamored with old…
But Bob Cousey can dribble in a circle pretty consistently. You think Curry or Thompson or even Green can stay in front of that ?!?