

Petty and dumb and inessential

Again, he has no chip, Connor has a huge one.

Because MMA fighters have bigger chips on their shoulders due to withheld legitimacy.

Thats your reply? A semantics argument?

Mayweather may be a lot of things but he knows he isnt an MMA fighter.

Not required and yet you expect white people to spontaneously and collectively grow a conscience overnight? Or that saying some minor celeb can do better is the nudge that will get them there? Or highlighting the white feminism meek and self satisfied navel gazing is equivelant to saying “do better”.

The time for respectability is over. I am going the opposite direction, fully. The staggering ineffectualness of web comments has netted us our current awful society. You are trying to be respectable thinking you can somehow appeal to empathy, reason, guilt, a desire to be better, anything in white people to not juat

And with that knowlege youre going to cluck your tongue at the sheep and retire for the day, self satisfied.

Ready for a bombshell?

Theres only one solution apparently and that segregation and sepratism. White people, stop trying, youll never get it. retreat into the material and societal comfort and ignore racism, youll never get it and any effort to get it will fall well short. There is no possibility of progression, youre either born woke or

No it wasnt. it was a con.

gasm for rasm

We had decades of the opposite that before curry. toughen up.

This is why im working on hydraulic exo skeletons. good for my 94 year old gramps, good for 4 mile walks later at night.

Fuck that. Better sorry than quaking in fear to live.

I support Trans Jesus

Then the suit is filed against the wrong party.

It is a tragedy that this happened. BUT this feels like grasping for someone, anyone to pay so there is some sense of “justice”. If the end result if this suit is a further slide into the normalization of security theater then as much as this may hurt the family, it is for the greater good that this suit is thrown out.

Yeah, young people should never be exuberant.