
I always thought of the Zero Suit as an interface between Samus and her Power Suit. Something that allows her to control the Suit without being completely naked if/when she loses/removes it. So I’ve never had any issues with it being impractical or “sexualized”.

My first experience was with the PS3 version. I beat the game.

Collect the 900 Korok seeds in Zelda BotW if you want to complain about a reward.

And how is that information irrelevant to the current situation? It’s also senseless that he was deported twice and got back in and (presumably) was employed. It doesn’t make anyone a racist to think that illegal immigrants are a problem.

One of the things I really like about Romo in the booth is that he says what he’s thinking. I feel like if he’d been calling the game, you’d have gotten, “Now, Al, c’mon. HOW IS THAT ANYTHING OTHER THAN A CATCH?” And he would have been right.

They all suck at healing in general! Mercy’s kit (not including Rez) is the fastest healer in the game.

quit whining

And it shouldn’t be only boys thing, or only girls thing. It should be a thing for the people who want to play, no matter what they are or where they come from.

People of Japan, we don’t like him either.

you’re mad because you didn’t plan ahead. you anger is misplaced. the theater, movie industry, et al are not to blame for your ignorance. you obviously know how to go online and buy tickets but failed

Apologies in advance, Patricia, as this is going to come off more harshly than I intend. As best as I can tell, the only people who care about this are the same people who complain about Peach in Mario games, which is to say opinion writers. The other 99% enjoy the games for what they are and all the traditions large

Dude needs serious counseling.

It’s been said before, but Overwatch is not a villain here, yet it is continually referenced. Overwatch boxes have no gameplay advantage. You can’t even buy them in-game (on Xbox), and it took months for me to learn they even existed. I like to throw them five bucks during the events in exchange for the hundreds of

Horizon did everything the best? Really? An uninteractive static environment, terribly acted and thoroughly unlikeable NPC characters who act (and speak!) like disgruntled Starbucks employees cosplaying as cavemen (a special shout-out to those whiny soft-boy seamstresses who couldn’t make it as hunters), the way they


Both Odyssey and BotW are in the top 5 highest reviewed games of all time, but they don’t deserve a nod?

Game Awards like these are always a joke unfortunately. :< Never a real contest of quality, but rather popularity.

Wow so they really put PUBG over Nier Automata for GOTY. Nevermind that PUBG isn’t even officially released yet and is still in early access.

Milk rules!

Believe it or not, Dragon’s Lair was released in 1983. I know it sounds crazy nowadays, but it actually ran on an internal LaserDisc system, which is why the “graphics” looked so advanced. You were basically just watching a LaserDisc movie.