
Is it not a crime to enter the country illegally?

You know, I asked my Jewish friends about this one once.. they laughed themselves silly at the thought that anyone would believe such things. Its kind of like the rumor people have that Catholics aren’t suppose to have sex unless it is to have children. In both cases, at best, it represents a fundamental

That is a total canard. As an Orthodox Jewish male, I can assure you that we have sex in much the same manner as any other married couples do.

Different animals though. You can get away with a lot on Adult Swim and Netflix. If he tried to sell this to a mainstream studio, it would get absolutely hacked apart.

Your first paragraph is how many people, including myself, feel about body dysphoria. Would it be so horrible if people would embrace and love themselves as they are born without this kind of painful playing with identity?

Why did not this come “naturally” in July this year?

Let’s say you’re running late for a morning doctor’s appt w/the Feminist Octopus. Let’s say you each have a plate of pancakes and bacon and you’re joking around and oops, you have to leave RIGHT NOW or you’ll be late and have to pay a fee or reschedule. You’re going to just drop those plates in the sink without even

no that is pretty much accurate.

Uhhh no shovel knight only came out s few years ago the retro thing has been overdone for about a decade

They are not scumbags, they are doing a job they are payed to do. Wrong people to be angry with, not saying some of them are not bad people, obviously there are bad people all over the place. But saying all border patrol agents are scumbags is just childish.

I’m not saying I agree with what’s going on here, but in what way does this make them scumbags? Under the current system, someone has to do the job, right?

This lady is an asshole trying to malena viral video. The agents were polite, provided her with legal authority, and behaved professionally. Glad to know this blond white lady sees herself as a modern Rosa Parks, standing up for her sad brown friends.

I don’t need federal agents to protect the guy renting my spare room.

Look, I hate the CBP as much as the next guy. But this is some hilariously classic clueless-California-white-lady shit. She appears to be at the checkpoint outside Las Cruces. I lived there for years, and I must have gone through it a hundred times. It’s sort of a fact of life that you get used to around here, and I

wrong hand there dum dum

No, the problem is the Democratic establishment is a bunch of morons. If the Clinton team couldn’t tell they might just possibly have an issue in Wisconsin when they ignored the state for the entirety of the general campaign, or Michigan, when Debbie Dingell was all but screaming to the DNC that things were going

Not sure what point you’re trying to make, but Persian is an actual ethnicity and not some west-friendly term for people born in Iran like you claim.

1. Why are they automatically labeled as lesbian? They could be bisexual or something else. They like each other.

Title should read:

I maintain that Tom Cruise’s best acting of his career is in Tropic Thunder.